So I dont have anything specific to share, but thought Id just - TopicsExpress


So I dont have anything specific to share, but thought Id just post a quick catch-up note since I havent posted a longer personal message this week. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Our dinner was lovely (small crowd this year, just four of us but very nice) and then we topped the evening off with a visit from a couple of nice paramedics. Yeah, I said paramedics. My youngest daughter had a strange reaction to a new medication shed started the day before, and it started getting worse after dinner on Thanksgiving. I called the Nurse Hotline and they ended up telling me to hang up immediately and call 911. There was no way to tell over the phone if it was life-threatening or not so someone needed to come ASAP and check her vitals, etc. Fortunately all was well, and the rest of the evening was uneventful, but whats a holiday without some flashing colorful lights outside the house, right? ;) My first quarter of my Masters program is winding down. Just need to compile some writing Ive done over the quarter into a booklet and also finish a research paper. And then Ill get some time off for good behavior. :-) I think Ive figured out what Im going to be giving family for Christmas this year. Last spring, I did an oral history report on my 103 year old grandmother. It contains the complete transcripts of two interviews, photographs, and an essay about her life. Im going to have copies printed up for the assorted family members who may be interested in having a piece of family history in tangible form. My grandmother is an interesting woman (and yes, shes still alive and doing fine). Her mother lived to be 104 so there are some good strong genes in my family. Hope they passed it on to me and my kiddos. Im looking forward to the holidays this year. My income as a full-time grad student is pretty much nil at the moment so gifts and activities will be a bit scarce, but Im really looking forward to just having time off to see friends and family, maybe host a Game Night or two over the holidays, and just basically hunker down and cozy up with my kids, cats, and bunnies. Had I mentioned we have two pet rabbits now who live in an enclosure in my carport? Ive never had bunnies before and Im really enjoying their fuzzy little selves. They are both rescues that we caught ... either abandoned or escaped pets that had taken to following my cats around the yard and hanging out in my carport whenever it rained. So my daughter and I decided to make the carport their official home. It took several weeks to catch them both, but now theyre happy, healthy, and most importantly, safe. Their names are Chiquita and Kitty Bun-Bun. I really do love my little bunnies. Not only did I rescue them, but I think they rescued me a bit, too. Life the past year or two has been particularly stressful and more than a little bit difficult ... so I guess I needed a couple of soft bunnies with their sweet eyes and silly little ways to brighten up my life. Bunny Therapy. Its almost as good as Kitten Therapy. ;-)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 03:39:55 +0000

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