So I fractured my ribs... How you may ask? Most people would think - TopicsExpress


So I fractured my ribs... How you may ask? Most people would think that it was as a result of a car accident, and some (like the doctors and nursing staff) would assume it was due to domestic violence. However it was all because of a mango... My favorite kind too, bloody starch mango. Dead asleep and one or two (not sure how many), fell on the roof, jumped out my sleep in full on panic mode. Im not sure where my head was at, but I was shaken to the point that I was incoherent and going a bit nutso. Flew off the couch, blanket in hand and ran for my life, knocking down stuff around the house. Broke a couple glasses and headed straight for my dads bedroom. Got there and fainted. Both dad and my sister tried to figure out what was wrong with me... But Nada. I made no sense at all for a few minutes. Somewhere between fainting and going crazy, I literally threw myself as if to dive from bullets coming at me and hurt myself. Its laughable, I would laugh too if it didnt hurt so much to do so. Its really sad though that we live in a time now where the sound of mangoes falling on our rooftops can be mistaken for bullets....
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:52:34 +0000

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