So, I generally refrain from commenting on these things. I am a - TopicsExpress


So, I generally refrain from commenting on these things. I am a very live/let live type of person, but I personally feel this is all getting a little out of hands, on both sides of the argument. Something like this is getting pitched to me almost every other week in one form or another. First, Christians, sorry...but you are not being attacked are persecuted. You make up the majority, and until very recently, everyone else has smiled and nodded and gone along with your flow. I have, in MANY instances, been confronted on my stance on religion, been told Im going to hell, been told that my views in science are wrong (they are not...its science), and been told a slew of things that have nothing to do with me or my views in an otherwise hostile manner. However, as Christianity is indeed slipping away in the rest of the world, including the United States, a lot of people are getting tired of it. Its the kid standing up to the bully, and Im sorry you feel attacked by people who are finally taking jabs back at you. The absolute most ridiculous example is the recourse some companies received this past Christmas when they decided to use the phrase Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas. Just because companies want to include everyone (including Christians), rather than discriminating against all other religions who may celebrate at the same time, does not make it a War on Christmas. Its everyone trying to get along. I understand you like to tout how atheist/secular groups are not taking jabs at Muslims or Jewish beliefs. First, Jewish encompasses as much a culture as it does a religion. There are atheist jews, and I have known many. In fact, up to half may have doubts on the existence of God. But this is beside the point. Atheists/secularists in this country generally dont feel the need to defend themselves against other religions, as other religions generally dont care, do not have the numbers to make those who do care be so influential, and do not have the influence on legislature that controls the lives of everyone, not just Christians. For everyone else, is this really what it takes to get you to validate your own beliefs? Becoming the bad guy does not make you seem any more right or noble, and only turns people off to what you are saying (a point which would be best taken by certain other social issues that are pressing at the moment). Be informative. Be patient. I will always answer questions to the best of my ability. To those who listen, do not expect someone to know every answer. Maybe do some reading and find out some stuff for yourself...theres some absolutely incredible things being discovered in science right now. However, also do not expect science to have all the answers right now. How conceited would we be as a species to think we had it all figured out, when were still so primitive in the grand scheme of things? All in all, youre all wrong. Christians, sorry, but your entitlement does not mean other people get excluded anymore. Everyone else, stop being jackasses. Youre just as bad as they are, and that doesnt make any of you right.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:26:01 +0000

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