So I got roped into a few more... Back by popular demand, stuff - TopicsExpress


So I got roped into a few more... Back by popular demand, stuff you may not know about me, part two. 1. I love rain, almost as much as snow. Im typically a bit more energetic when its foggy and rainy outside. I find it inspiring. 2. Im a huge Disney nerd. I love Disney. I worked at Disneyland twice, once doing costuming (highlight was working Electric Parade) and once doing art department setting up for events (highlight was Pirates Premiere) But the coolest thing I got to do was walk down Main Street after hours, when its all lit up and the music is going but there was literally no one there. So. Cool. 3. I almost joined the navy. Right after high school. I had to give guardianship of Willow to my parents and so I went and did my physical and every bit of paperwork I could while I was waiting for the custody papers. I got them finally, and a few days later 9-11 happened. I made the difficult decision to back out of my almost completed enlistment because I didnt want to risk leaving my daughter parent-less. I still wonder occasionally if I should have just done it anyways, but in most ways Im really glad I didnt. 4. I learned to drive in a 1985 GMC Suburban that had been modified for off roading. That truck is affectionately referred to as Brownie and I love that thing. Its a pain to drive sometimes because its huge but if you can drive that truck, you can drive anything. My dad gave me a love of and healthy respect for all things 4x4 because of how many times we took it out. Its also why I can drive in the dirt better than a lot of people I know. Im sad to see brownie getting retired after all these years. 5. I lived in North Carolina for a couple years. Its a lot like southern California in a lot of ways but its much slower paced. Things are a lot quieter and the people (for the most part) are nicer. Secretly, I like it better out there (in a lot of ways) than I do here. 6. I got to sing with my school choir at Carnegie Hall in NY my Junior year of High School. It was the first time I took that wasnt with family and it was a super neat experience. We sang Handels Messiah, I was 1st Soprano. 7. Not a fan of heights. Really not a fan of heights. Ill do it anyways, but Ill be white knuckled the whole time. 8. I have a love/hate thing with roller coasters. The six flags kind. I find most of them terrifying but I will usually get in line, freak myself out nearly to the point of panic attack the whole time and then get on it and enjoy it. Batman is my all time favorite, I also really liked déjà vu. 9. My favorite place in the whole planet is the ocean. I prefer the Northern California coast, up Mendocino county and above, but Ill gladly take any ocean areas. :) My dream is to have a house close enough to hear the waves crash on the shore and smell the salt air when I open my windows. I also have bucket list items involving getting Scuba certified and diving multiple destinations across the world. No matter what mood Im in, the ocean always cheers my soul. 10. I have three tattoos. I want a couple more but theyre pricey. 11. I once had multicolored hair that got nicknamed the peacock hair because it was several shades of blue/ turquoise and purple, under a top layer of black. Sometimes I miss that hair. But I do not miss the maintenence. 12. Im a tomboy and typically have issues with makeup technique and outfits that are matchy matchy. Its not my favorite thing to do, but I do it because looking put together makes me feel nice inside. I do however have a serious addiction to accessories like costume jewelry ;) 13. I have more clothing items that would be considered costume pieces in my closet than I do normal clothes. This amuses me to no end on a regular basis. 14. I used to be partially bald when I was little and I was teased mercilessly in grade school for it, (because little kids are dicks) which pretty much scarred me for life and very much impacted the way I viewed my peers for a very long time after. It was a really difficult experience. 15. Ive learned after many years and many experiences (both good and bad) that life is an adventure. Its a story meant to be shared with others because you never know when something that you went through might help someone else in a similar spot. I try to have an open book mentality in regards to my life and experiences for this reason and am usually happy to share anything about myself when asked. 16. My best friend in the whole entire world is a guy. This person has been there for me on more occasions that I can begin to count and is one of the most important people in my life and Id be lost without him. I can tell him anything and trust him to tell me like it is, no sugar coating. Ive known him for a long long time and hope that our friendship stays as strong as it is for even longer. Love ya man!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:23:53 +0000

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