So I had a bad day.... Some may say its just a race but it was so - TopicsExpress


So I had a bad day.... Some may say its just a race but it was so much more for me. I remember I leaned down gave Cameron a kiss and told her I will never be afraid again, for her. Thats what this tri was all about. Fighting for my girl. Basically I got pulled off the swim course. Did I fall apart in the boat? Yes. Did I feel like I failed Cameron and I was a disappointment. Yes. Felt like a knife ripped right through me. But I received a gift in that swim that I wouldnt change for anything in the world. Every stroke, every breath David was right there with me. I sighted him the whole time. It was the hardest, most frustrating swim but the most beautiful I have ever experienced. He believed in me and swam in sync with me. Such a gift! I walked to transposition feeling completely defeated. I sat in front of my bike and cried, told Cameron I was so sorry I let her down. David sat right next to me quietly loving me. He looked at me and said so what are you gonna do? How about lets go for a run. So thats what we did. I put my running shoes on, ran 13.1 miles fighting my own demons for Cameron. I got to mile 12, kissed the mile marker and said to myself Lets Finish This. It was not the victory I wanted for my girl today but at the same time I feel like the luckiest woman in the world because God gave me David and I look at the gift of seeing his eyes every stroke and I wouldnt trade that for anything in the world.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:39:24 +0000

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