So I had a dream that I was fighting a polar bear with a wooden - TopicsExpress


So I had a dream that I was fighting a polar bear with a wooden spoon on a beach with a purple sun in the background and my hands were feet and my feet were hands... I didnt win... We fused together and became Bigfoot... I went home and sat down on the couch and started playing the game in my basement... Then I heard a sound so I walked upstairs to investigate and the sound was coming from the kitchen, I go into the kitchen and it turns out, its the oven and it says I know what you did last winter and it opens up... I look inside and see a portal but i couldnt identify the color... I stick my hand into it and something slimy touches it and when I pull it back out, its covered in green goo... Then I stick my head in and look around and I see Malcolm X and he asks if I am ready to learn the secret of life but before I can say yes 3 raccoons walk from behind him and when I make eye contact with them, they turn into giraffes and one says you do not belong here mortal, it is not your time and they push me out but when they push me out, I am in Kevin Davidson house and kevin hands me a toothbrush and says its a couple dinosaurs outside, you got my back ? And idk why but I said yes so we run outside and its not dinosaurs, its 5 of this very ugly guy named Patrick that we used to see at the bus stop and a microwave floats out of his house, turns around and looks at us and says say hello to the sunrise for me and explodes and then my brother woke me up... Im a little afraid to go back to sleep
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:10:58 +0000

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