So I had a pretty tough day in the end reason being my daily - TopicsExpress


So I had a pretty tough day in the end reason being my daily yes I made the grateful chart and the concept everything was published on fb and some trusted poeple whom I interacted with were Prema Nair mom dad .... my angels - it all started in deep depression to find a job for myself in complete isolation so I asked for help and messaged Divya Rolla she did not even think twice and she came inn to teach me yoga on the fourth day or so....she was six months pregnant............a pro and I asked her why she did not choose dancing as a ptofession her answer was dancing is her passion and yoga her profession I was so impressed.............she is honest keeps her prof space a great teacher .......she mentioned baout her hubbys niece who was mentally challenged n undergoing dialysis .....I learnt yoga and she taught me voice recordings via gmail she is busy taking group sessions...........I asked her why take classes for me she said seema you are a special person on the last day of my dancing at salman firdouies social night she arrived salman n shauna arrived is that a coincidence i got two dances only...........i had a huge plaster on my neck (hemodialysis..........anyway since she was preg i never compelled her but asked for her guidance and she was farid of amy my baby..........andd i locked amy because she was she was busy she infrmd me about lourde vijay and said he undergoes dialysis thriice a week and his dad was too old to donate a kidney i felt shocked as prerna told me my frnd that she heard from senthil magu that lourde had a transplant is that a coincidence...............because of divya i started walking so much so i reached in two weeks 45 minutes brisk walk as my challenge was to myself that means i am not a control freak :) ty........................second person chitra dorairaj i wanted send healing jesus to diana maam and she did promptly just like she gifted dan enji in that coinsidence ?then i asked sumitha and she was so sweet she came recd her gifts and understood the concept and the gifts were Diana maams prayers against jesus gift to her so i sent her gifts that are significant and in return i ask for a gift for my angels chitras two nephews successful autistic nephews normal kids lovely poeple she told me god sends such struggles in a family that is strong ??? coincidence on the way chinna win pays me visit i wana work n my book as susan tells me to write my therapist so chinna asks me to give a date i make him understand the concept of dancing puppet do i look beautiful or what ? the cover he saidhe was sent and he was a gentleman as i asked him hundred time to photograph me n i was too he knows the concept of dancing puppet i chose him for it before on a karioke ?? do u all see the connected? i am not network though......sarcasm..........then i tell sarayu kindly dont talk negative n pass on negative thoughts as it affects me i am just 1 month aftr surgery so i apologise chitra is annoyed i apologise chinna saya dont tag me i dont so welll........divya likes her privacy i follow some conditions that a person keeps that ok so now u see why plan b was made chitra sd no i passed on the buck to krishna vidhu she survived hole in the heart v talented and delivered me the eaaring paper ns for mentally challenged as i knew maam diana works for gals seen piks and words.......................................coincidence............?????? now sarayu is upset n actually she is worried becos i smight spiill her beans i dont she syas her son had a bad exp with a teacher i sent her a cake she sd kids were floored i was happy my first point of contact for this was sarayu and amongst each presnt there was one present for my frnds.........................................the gift fr chitra was passed on plan b to sarah natasha with rajma which i noticed two years bak again a coincidence of religion ? is that really true oh pls gme a in this whole saga reshmi nair offered me to pay the last gift and i planned that she visits diana n gives a gift in that was a chewue and a gift for mom n son son had to choose the best student n i sponsored faith as i saw faith n my name in a church they run so now u know where i am leading amidst all this i already gave away 5k blind association the real point of contact my family.........................and that was a genuine thought n so were the sarayu receives her gifts and in return her sons read a scroll about what a great mom she is is that a better gift or a gift from a shop are words better than division ? huh so reshmi looses her money 18k her savings and her teacher expires i get out and buy a meera only because she is so tall and she never gets to be i sd lets dance aftr 6 years we want to perfrm a semi classical number.............n she i give the title meera with my own wish n make her feel great......................n special on the way i loose my mind as i wanted to get trained by dianas son.............coincidence both in bangalore? i mail maam all details truth..........................and then i also comit dhanya samuel 5k fr a cancer patient ................sent i also wanted to send a rosary given by rosy aunty my amachis frnd when i was 37 kilos ...................truth n i wanted maam to pass on to smn who is in deep depression out of the fear that she is no more the confusion becomes a mess because maam appreciated me and i wanted to pay a homage to my dad n mom with reshmi....................inbetween prerna visits me with gifts she changes alot so positive n tells me a story about the wish list a cancer person has a young boy and she knows the rest she always called me an inspiration she asked me where to join i suggested rdtp as she was travelling to bangalore is that a coincidence ? all this was not planned it happeed i was so lost that i killed my own dreams so that everyn is ok i dont hurt anyway i take the last leap final gift was a elle amys had a stuffed toy i named elle so since don dies i replaced amy and i associate with her well...................and she gvs me so much love so i decide to buy an elephant mom n i we buy meera ..............first shopping with mask.....................and i buy a red n because white n was pecae fr me and a marriage fr her that is definite she knows .................i called sumi shroff n asked her tos end me ghungroo but i went out n brought her i am the culprit ???? is it poss???? is this all a mere coincidence and was i actually hallicunating abt dan enji....................the story is and will always be oprah because i did not run away from u ms oprah i ran away because i made the grateful chart i havent names it and i did ask the universe to help i kept saying blue becos i saw blue on blak n wrote done thinking sick about someone being dead a sponsor who gns me 10 k had major attitude sofie or smthng .....and i passed n as money to donate in church if nt der at chitras food fr life both gave me a v tough time who is dominating who here ..............................i am not angry i am so sharp thats what god tols u guys i can control myself point is i am not remote urban etc i love music dancing so all this how many angels u wana know everyn i know their past history present every detaillllllbecause i never lie my aim was just perfect training .......................i wanted to proove to arun that i am beter than him so then i let go i should comepete with myself than smn else so lets say everyn has a person who has died of cancer-dpression-dilaysis so many ask all the angels personally i said susan would have saidseema success comes to those who dont look for it and also to those whose flight arrives just before a disastor and who arrives me or u? ................coincidence so god said seema just talk to me and I am the lord I went researched n goodle and quotes i never read made sense all concepts i tore off because u cant find peace even in a chart so my chart became blood col red n black i associated miot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they have all the same col in veins red n they associate with blacks so who am i i associate with a song black or white so now whats my song thank u angels i am unable to recollect what is an allignment because i cant see is it imp not really i saw everyn every colour every sign showing me a way gold silver oh god come n chk me out..............i wear very simple basics its not abt being an indian everything canges because i have guts and i have a spine i cannot betray poeple n the way just becos a yesterday made me stammer tommorow looks better Oprah I am a faint colur that gels well with everyn you know like a clay pot use your hands and you shape everything hello by lionel richie i know n learn instead of giving so much stress to so many poeple..................................i guess u all had cough etc loose motions train arrived thanks Anu Kailash siva and rest i recd a diary and the ship is still on the shores of kearala i am a seed they nurtured me i nurtured with understanmding them by loving n acceptance i am the dancing uppet/seema nair seems .....i created an id via siva its caro lily rose u name it password will not change i went to church in my thoughts u all were busy convincing me thru sign language is that reqd i can hear sense feel and associate instead of a glare on my face send poeple and save me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my potluck etc etc etc......................maria my first point of sponsorship n if i start you wont even believe it since u all know who ia ma let me salute my parents as i could nt dance fr em I salute u all i MANAGE MY MOMS ACCOUNT N THAT IS IT ...............EVERYN IS DAFE BUT I AM not all i am fighter that is my trait its never to hurt nyn though so gn sleep tight bbye huh what is that i did nt even know what is whats app guys i am not even keen...........resh just buzzed i gotta hear her voice than 100 voices she is my truth bye n stay safe i am not a bet and if u all win share the love chiya is my bestest u see the circle i found n find a niche n carve instead of clay :) Seems Nair https://youtube/watch?v=jukv9Q1eR2g
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 14:41:03 +0000

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