So, I had an encounter today with the Mary & Martha story from the - TopicsExpress


So, I had an encounter today with the Mary & Martha story from the Bible. Ive heard and told this story many times, and I realize that Im a Martha a lot of the time. I want to get stuff done. Sometimes I get a little gripey about doing what feels like more than my share of the work. Of course, the work is usually a lot of my own idea / way it ought to be done. It came to my mind today about a time a few years back when I spent HOURS working on the PERFECT Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey (smoked it myself), dressing, green bean bundles, broccoli and cheese casserole, homemade cranberry sauce (which nobody liked - found out that were just redneck and like the kind that plops out of the can), chocolate and pumpkin pies were delicious. The table was set nicely and not more than an hour later it was reduced to a mess of dishes and more leftovers than would fit in my fridge. Then the rest of the day I spent dealing with that. I guess you can see that this particular Thanksgiving day was mainly Prideful (did you read about what all I made for that meal) and Drudgery (clean-up) Day. That Christmas, just a few weeks later, Dale suggested (ok, strongly suggested) that we just have a frozen lasagna and bag of salad. That way I could spend the day hanging out with the kids. And... we did. And... it was good. We ate it from paper plates and it was still Christmas. Our Christmas lasagna is a tradition now. :) #firstthingsfirst https://biblegateway/passage/?search=Luke+10%3A38-42
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:39:17 +0000

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