So I had to privatize my friends list and make it impossible for - TopicsExpress


So I had to privatize my friends list and make it impossible for the general public to go through. As people know, I have many friends in many walks of life and powers. But when I HAVE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE THAT CLAIMS TO BE FRIENDS AND RESPECTFUL TO ME GOING INTO MY FRIENDS LISTS AND START FRIENDING FAMILY, FRIENDS OF MINE FROM MY PAST, OR CELEBRITIES INCLUDING FAMILY OF MINE IN ISRAEL OR MY ADOPTED DAUGHTER, all because you people are TOO NOSY and thinks you have the right to follow my people and start Ministering to them and then start offending them.... then I have a problem. I am bluntly saying this and do not care who I piss off, but after having relatives, politicians, celebs, and family of my past lifestyle all complaining about a few of you religious folks from Becker County, Minnesota ..... who the heck do you people think you are and what right do you have to get involved with my people who YOU have no knowledge of? My People, and My Friends, and My Connections from my Street Lifestyle is NOT YOUR CONCERN NOR IS IT ANY OBLIGATION TO YOU. DONT PUT YOUR NOSE INTO SOMEONES LIFE THAT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT NOR ACCEPTANCE IN. YOU MAY NOT LIKE THE RESULTS FROM THE PEOPLE YOU ARE TRYING TO BE NOSY AND MEDDLE INTO. This is why I will be leaving Becker County very soon.... people has no respect nor honor these days. IF THERE IS SOMEONE I WANT YOU TO KNOW CONNECTED TO ME, I WILL MAKE THE PROPER INTRODUCTIONS....TIL THEN STAY OUT OF MY PERSONAL LIFE. THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES FOR NOT MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND I HAVE ALOT OF PISSED OFF PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT YOU FOLKS FROM DETROIT LAKES IN THE RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY THAT FRIENDED THEM OR STARTED TRYING TO PREACH TO THEM.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 20:35:05 +0000

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