So....I have a lot of people message me saying they have a hard - TopicsExpress


So....I have a lot of people message me saying they have a hard time staying on a heathy diet and want to know what I eat! Its nothing special but instead of sharing the food I eat I thought I would share what I look to limit/avoid when choosing foods so you can know what to look for too!! 1. Saturated fats...I try to limit these to less than 7 grams per day! Look for foods with unsaturated fats!(polyunsaturated and monounsaturated!) 2. Sodium! If something has more than 350mg of sodium per serving I USUALLY wont eat it! The average person needs 2300mg or less of sodium each day! The average American consumes about triple this amount!!!! (Sodium makes you retain water...making you look bigger than you really are!! We dont want that!) 3. Absolutely NO sodas on a regularly basis! Diet or regular!! I have had a total of two sodas since January! Just dont drink them!! They are so bad for you! AND Id MUCH rather eat my calories than drink them ;) 4. NOOOOO fast food! You are what you dont be fast, easy, cheap, or fake!! lol after you eat cleaner for a while you wont want any fast food anyways, it will make you feel like crap and youll understand why its so bad for you by the way you feel.....(I do eat Subway and Chick Fil A grilled chicken sandwiches and fruit cups occasionally when on the go but thats it!) 5. Sugar intake...If something has over 10 grams of sugar per serving I normally wont eat it! 6. Arificial sweeteners! Aspartame and Splenda are the most popular(look for them in the ingredients)! I use to load my diet up with artificial sweeteners thinking I was tricking my body...still having that sweet taste without the sugar! Yeah.......I was wrong, artificial sweeteners are bad for your body...they are man made(red flag) These little tricksters make you crave bad foods! And make you hungrier! STAY AWAY! Not only do they make you gain weight but they can cause lots and lots of other health problems if used regularly! 7. Processed foods(Anything in the freezer section and anything with a long shelf life) these are pretty much unavoidable for me but I do try to limit as much as possible! Usually processed foods have a lot of added sodium in them which brings us back to #2! ---> not a limitation but important 8. I DO NOT watch my carb intake closely! YOU NEED CARBS! THEY ARE GOOD FOR YOU! THEY GIVE YOU ENERGY! DO NOT GO ON A NO OR LOW CARB will lose weight quick but you will also have NO energy and gain it back as soon as you eat 1 roll from Logans lol just dont do it! The majority of bread and pasta I eat is whole wheat
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 18:32:49 +0000

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