So I have been dealing with some extremists lately. Not all - TopicsExpress


So I have been dealing with some extremists lately. Not all extremists are conservative either, some are very liberal. So heres how you spot someone being an extremist. You say I believe in God. The non extremist argument goes something like I dont believe in God, we disagree here. You see, it is OK to disagree and voice your own belief. In fact, many VERY good conversations start that way. The extremist response goes something like So you believe in an invisible man in the sky whose waiting to give you virgins to rape when you die? The extremist twists your words and uses every negative implication they can loosely tie to your statement so they can try to piss you off and get you to respond in an emotional manner. It can also go the other way, You say I dont believe in God. The non extremist argumentative response would be something like I do believe in God, I have my own reasons, what are your reasons for not believing? From here, you might learn something from the person you disagree with. The extremist response however goes something like this So you dont believe in morals and that killings and raping children is ok huh? Again, using negative implications that they attempt to associate with your belief, when in fact they have nothing to do with it. This is an example of both a very liberal, and a very conservative extremist confrontation argumentative style that is used constantly all around me, and it drives me NUTS. Jason Smith, this goes out to you for pointing out that I was letting one of these pricks get to me, thanks!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:06:03 +0000

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