So, I have been having Elizabeth up most weekends because of - TopicsExpress


So, I have been having Elizabeth up most weekends because of staffing issues. She brings her little dog Sammy with her. Today Elizabeth and I were gone most of the afternoon and we left Sammy in her bedroom. George let him out so he could take him outside. Sammy happily followed him into the hearth room and George bent down to put his leash on him......Sammy went nuts and bit him.....then promptly ran under a table. So George put some gloves on to get him out from under the table.....and Sammy bit through the gloves to Georges fingers. Needless to say, George is quite mad, Elizabeth is distraught and worried. Now George says Sammy cant come back. I have two more weekends and the week of Christmas to get through....seems I am going to be spending some times in Atkins with Elizabeth. We dont know what situation Sammy was in before we got him. But he does not like men at all. But Elizabeth does not want Sammy biting her Dad. My stomach hurts.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:07:48 +0000

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