So, I have been tagged in one of these facebook challenges and, - TopicsExpress


So, I have been tagged in one of these facebook challenges and, although I almost never do them, this one is pretty neat so here goes. For the next three days, I will post three things for which I am grateful and, of course, I will be tagging three more people to follow suit. 1. The first thing has to be my brothers. Shem, Andrew, Josiah and Anderson (Im including you here as well. Not all family is blood). You guys are more responsible for who I am today than all other factors combined. Although I feel like there have been many times that I have failed each of you dismally, your presences have always made me strive to be a better person and to make the world better if I can. You inspire me and I love you. 2. The internet. I probably would have ended my own life long ago if I had not discovered this access to endless information and knowledge. The internet is my university and the wisdom that I have been able to gain from it has truly been my salvation. 3. My ability to think critically. I am not sure if its because of my religious upbringing or in spite of it but I have learned over the years that I can almost always trust my own judgment. This ability is similar, in some ways, to a muscle and I am looking forward to increasing its strength until the day I die. If I tag you and you dont want to do it, just say as much and Ill tag somebody else. No obligations lol. That being said, I am tagging Anthrópos S. Hinkle, Joanna Stebing and Mark Masters.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:25:28 +0000

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