So I have finally unloaded the car (it still needs to be tipped - TopicsExpress


So I have finally unloaded the car (it still needs to be tipped over and then sprayed out) from our last trip, and in the sorting of things, we have located the cord to our computer. The camera that normally compensates for my terrible vision is in need of repair, but I was finally able to see some of the pictures from over our last trip down south that were taken with the mom-cam, not just the phone Ms. Amira seems to think is hers. While I am not normally one to want to lavish my children with fantastic holiday gifts, things have been very different, and I have had the amazing honor standing back and watching those around us express their love and support. I really dont know what the future holds, and for once, I just let them enjoy one of the most amazing Christmas celebrations my children have ever experienced. We were surprised by a visit to our home before we had to leave town for Amiras chemotherapy over the holidays. Amira and her brother were able to experience a huge, early Christmas in their own home. Considering that the anniversary of our first year in our new-to-us home was the same month as some pretty huge changes for us, being able to have something so special was a wonderful, wonderful gift. We had already been talking about making a delivery to share with other children who were staying in the hospital over the holidays, and with our own collection of items and those forwarded to us by friends and family, we delivered two bags of gifts to the hospital. Before we visited the hospital that day, I was asked by the nurses to keep a little extra space in the car, because there were some gifts for my children at the hospital. What I wasnt told, was that our family had been adopted through Childrens Hospital Oakland by Ask, who had very specifically solicited and asked what my children would like. I was amazed at how much effort was put into being specific and personal with their gifts(they even included mean old mom!). It has been a very, very emotional month for me. I have tried many times to sit down and relay the details, and I have just gotten to the point where I realize I cant right now without lifting the floodgates. Giving hearts know who they are. I just want to say that I am so thankful for everyone who made this holiday so wonderful for my children. From Ryann sending her princess and superhero surprises, to grandparents and relatives who sent gifts by mail, people we dont even know who sent anonymous gifts, prayers and well-wishes. People who quietly crept up onto the porch and left gifts at the door, friends who sent gifts and notes and messages, classrooms that remembered these two children who are living a very unique reality right now, it was certainly a season of wonder for my children that kept the most difficult thing from being front and center. In this regard, I know we won this part of the battle. Cancer was so very, very small to them. I see it lurking around, and I want to clobber it, but the lights are bright, and its just a shadow right now. Thank you to everyone who is shining their light in our direction. I am beyond thankful for your love and support. Just sharing a few of the pictures. Amira is still dealing with some neuropathy/vasculitis (pain) in her feet and hands that can make it difficult to walk, but she doesnt let it slow her down. She is 3, and if she can, I wont tell hr she cant, unless its truly dangerous for her. Its been a busy week for us, and most of next week is already spoken for. We will be repacking in hopes that her numbers are high enough to begin the next phase of chemotherapy, which will likely keep us down south for the balance of January. Big brother is returning to school as much as possible, beginning this week. His endless summer is over, and I think it will be a good change for him. Amira has to be out of the classroom for the entire year, but her teacher is keeping us occupied with some fun schoolwork that I may have to share at a later date. We have an amazing family, we have an amazing village. Thank you for loving us through this. We would be so much further from cured without you.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 07:13:00 +0000

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