So I have gotten a couple of messages asking how I am doing and - TopicsExpress


So I have gotten a couple of messages asking how I am doing and why I havent posted so here goes.... I am okay. I am adjusting slowly to the medication changes the new endocrinologist has made. She has taken away the one insulin I was on ( close to 300 units a day) and gave me two different ones. I now take five(5) shots a day and am preparing for a pump. We are doing some testing because she now thinks that there are two different reasons why it is so hard to control my sugar 1) That my body just rejects the insulin or 2) that I am actually a Type1 instead of a Type2. She is also talking about taking me off of the U100 insulin and putting me on the U500. And it is a big adjustment but I am working on it with all 7 of my doctors. Also not many know except the ones I live with or the ones that have visited but I have not been able to eat for about a month with out being sick every time or just not eating at all. The doctors do know and we do not have answers at this time. I am taking Zofran and trying to eat when I do feel hungry, which is all I can do. My heart is good except for the fast heart rate, which is great. Neuropathy is under control. Had my sleep studies both done and should have my cpap machine this week. The migraines are not getting any better with treatment (go back to neurologist in September.) So in light of everything there I ( and everyone here that is dealing with me and my moody attitudes) are taking one day at a time. If anyone has any questions hit me up be happy to fill you in better or explain. Sorry I havent kept everyone informed but sometimes I just feel the need to keep things between Tony and I. I dont like complaining about things when there are so many people in so many worse conditions than I am in. Love to all.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:02:53 +0000

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