So I have listened to a few people on TV talking about this Ebola - TopicsExpress


So I have listened to a few people on TV talking about this Ebola thing and I have seen people on FB here comment regarding the fact we as Americans should not panic. Well hmmmmm I believe I will to a certain extent though. Yes they are right only one person has lost their life regretfully in the US and through that gentleman 2 others have contracted the virus. Since December of 2013 the Ebola outbreak started in West Africa and since the 9200 confirmed cases with 4500 deaths. So thats nearly half of the people have died. The people from West Africa have confirmed a 70% death rate from this disease. This disease didnt start with 9200 people having it, it started with 1. Now I know we have the greatest medical in the world, but open your eyes even the CDC isnt 100% confident on the cures for this disease. There is not enough information to get the outbreak controlled in West Africa and manyyyyyy American doctors and some of the best healthcare workers in the world are there trying to help fight it. Still a 70% death rate and we are told not to panic. If we are so confident in our ability in the US to fight this disease why are none of our politicians or the director of the CDC not going to West Africa to visit our troops there and to ensure that country we are doing and will continue to do everything to help? Its because they dont know enough and they themselves are panicking. If you want to stop panic then take the necessary precautions to try an quarantine this disease to one area then fight it with all the resources we have. I think that our government should take lessons from our forestry fire fighters. They fight fires by trying to stop them from spreading by setting boundary fires to take away all of the larger fires momentum. The guys are the masters of containing. But I tell those that say dont panic when that Ebola comes to NC by all means dont panic or when its in your back yard dont panic!!!! This is our government causing panic because they are not admitting they need to take drastic measures to really grasp this virus and try to stop it aggressively even if it means not letting anyone in to this country from West Africa until this virus had been destroyed. I assure you other countries are doing it to protect their citizens.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 02:21:49 +0000

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