So I have made statements that in my opinion Barrack Obama is a - TopicsExpress


So I have made statements that in my opinion Barrack Obama is a Muslim. People call me racist, a hater and anything else they can think of to dismiss my allegations but never give evidence to the contrary. Why is this? I tell you why, you judge a man by his actions not just his words. Look at what his administration has done, they do not call it war on terror it is a overseas contingency plan, the shooting at Fort Hood is not terror it was workplace violence and now with ISIS on the rise he first referred to them as a JV team, then said he did not have a plan to deal with them, then said he would work to contain them, then has a address to the nation telling us they are not Islamic even though it is the first word in the acronym ISIS. Then I wake up this morning with John Kerry saying we are not at war even though ISIS claims they are in a holy war against us. With all this evidence people will still deny the evidence and tell me he says he is a Christian. But show me examples of how he demonstrates his Christianity. He does not attend church, he does not get excited about Easter or Christmas yet when he decorates the tree at the White House they put up ornaments of Mao. However when Ramadan comes around he goes out of his way to speak to Muslims. He also refers to this country as a Muslim country not a Judeo-Christian nation. If after all this evidence I have provided still is not enough facts for you, remember when he first took office he went to Muslim countries and bowed to their leaders and in his book claimed that the most beautiful thing he has ever heard was the Muslim call to prayer and if came right down to it he would side with the Muslim people. I rest my case.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:38:38 +0000

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