So I have really debated wether or not I should say anything about - TopicsExpress


So I have really debated wether or not I should say anything about this and Ive decided I dont care if I sound crazy. Last Tuesday (before I had it confirmed if anything was wrong) Scooter, Braylon, and I were on our way to Dr. Laceys office to see if Beckham was okay, the car ride was like most of our car rides to his office- silent. So while sitting in the silence I am staring out the window taking in the world around me and I notice this pure white bird- a dove and of course I was already thinking of Beckham but it felt like a sign from him or from heaven, I dont know how to explain it. Well besides the fact that I had never seen a white dove in my life I didnt think much of it until the day after we came home from the hospital. I was on the phone with the funeral home standing in my bathroom looking out the window. I was consumed with so much sadness, talking over the finishing touches of my newborns funeral. Then kid-you-not a white dove flies past the window, I know 100% it was a white dove and I thought to myself how rare is that to see two in the same week! I had that peaceful feeling all over again after I saw it. Since then Ive probably done 100 different google searches on white doves and their migration patterns, what they symbolize, etc. I found one website where people posts about an encounter of a white dove after the death of a loved one and how they are a symbol of peace (which would explain the weird peace I felt both times I saw one.) I know I sound a bit crazy but if I ever see a white dove again I will always associate it with Beckham. So when we designed his headstone earlier this week we had a white dove put on it because anyone who knows me knows that things have to have a significant meaning to be placed on something as important as a headstone. Anyways Im going to stop rambling now, I just havent been able to get it off of my mind. Maybe some of you have had a smilier experience you could share to make me feel less crazy. :)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:00:42 +0000

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