So I have this mate called Pete... Known him since school and - TopicsExpress


So I have this mate called Pete... Known him since school and hes a decent bloke. Hes been single now for over a year and has recently looked at online dating. Although hes made contact with a few women, hes still looking for Mrs Right. At the moment hes using pof Problem he has is that he messages a lot of women he likes the look of, but hardly any get back to him, or just say: thanks, but no thanks So, he asked me for some advice. Well, Ive been looking at the site now for a few days (research reasons only I must point out!) and Ill tell you what if ya boy Evans was single (and ready to mingle) Id give it a try meself as there are some lovely women out there hoping to meet their Mr Right. Anyhoo.... I noticed a lot of women put on their description that they enjoy country walks, nights in cuddling on the sofa watching a film, a drink in a pub in front of a roaring fire, trips to the theatre, candle lit meals... In other words, they are looking for a certain lifestyle. And their ideal first date would be a coffee or a walk - notice how meals and going to the cinema are not popular first date choices anymore. I asked Pete to select a number of women who had similar tastes in lifestyle to his ... and to make a note of the kind of wants that they were looking for. Next, Pete found a professional photographer - the type that can take those arty-farty black and white shots that you see in fashion mags. Then I told him to sort out about 5 different outfits - sticking to shirts, jeans or chinos, chunky jumper, smart shoes or boots and a suit jacket. Then I told him to get the photographer to take lifestyle type pictures of him from the list hed created from reading descriptions from the women he liked. So, he had pictures of him relaxing in a lovely pub next to an open fire, walking down a country lane with a dog (borrowed from a friend), in a coffee shop reading a serious newspaper, relaxing at home reading a book... and a few other lifestyle pictures from ideas in magazines. It took a few days for the pictures to be taken and Pete had some great images of himself living that lifestyle that a lot of women longed for. Next I wanted Pete to create a blog - he used blogger as its quick and simple to use. And I told him I wanted him to start writing daily postings of him living the lifestyle and including pictures of himself. For example, he wrote in one of his postings: Enjoyed a lovely meal in a great little pub that I found off the beaten track in the middle of nowhere on Sunday. And I treated myself to a pint of Guinness and sat in a lovely comfy leather chair in front of the pubs roaring fire. The one thing I really missed yesterday was chat, laughter and joy in the company of a lovely lady. It would have been lovely to share yesterday with someone special And then Pete included a couple of pictures the photographer had taken of him in the pub. Within a few weeks Pete had created a brilliant blog that contained all his super images - both black and white and colour - and descriptions of Pete living the lifestyle with him constantly talking about missing that someone special to share the moment with. I also got him to record some videos. I wanted Pete to record a video of him getting dressed in his favourite outfit. Now, nothing sleazy about this, he recorded a video similar to this one: youtube/watch?v=8kqN7YrYAUA What I wanted was for him to show viewers the kind of clothes he likes to wear. Another video was of Pete cooking a quick pasta meal. He then included those within his blog too. By doing all this, Pete will eventually attract laser-targeted ideal women who he can get to know a little better. Women who will read his blog, get to know the real Pete, exactly what he looks like, how he speaks, how he dresses, his passions, hobbies ... everything that a potential partner would like to know. Its like nothing other singletons are doing at the moment. As this message is starting to get long, Ill continue tomorrow, and reveal the response rate Pete received. Until then... Robert (The marketing Cupid) Evans P.S. As I said in my last email message, once you understand the fundamentals to marketing and how to appeal to potential customers/clients ... even potential partners... the sky really is the limit. Ive been doing this stuff for many years now, and have starting teaching it to others. So far, 432 people are discovering the most lucrative, response-driven marketing and sales methods, strategies and techniques. If this all starts to make sense to you, and you are seriously looking to generate a six figure income, then you shouldnt be putting this off a day longer. Hes where to become a superstar marketer yourself: copymegastar/ And if you are a singleton and looking for a partner, then this is a heck of a lot cheaper than wasting months on a dating site without some sort of self-marketing strategy. Find you true love and beef up your sales: copymegastar/
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:21:25 +0000

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