So I just beat Pre-Sequel and um Id give it an 8/10 Its a more - TopicsExpress


So I just beat Pre-Sequel and um Id give it an 8/10 Its a more refined Borderlands 2, it runs smoother, has plenty to do and see, and brings some pretty interesting mechanics and does a decent job at filling in the plot holes that 2 created. Theres actually not many memes in this one, more original content, which is nice because that just shuts the neckbeards up for once (Oh man I just bought this 60 dollar game and returned it because he said doge in one line of dialogue types) The onlines fun and I enjoy the extra quips the characters have, it just helps the setting feel more alive. While its nothing very NEW about it (Base gameplay is the same for the most part), the added stuff at least keeps it fresh enough to go through. Apparently its been selling well and people overall like it from what Ive seen. and its kinda funny seeing Reddit flip shit over the light femisnism going on in the storyline (OH MAN JANIE SAID SHE WAS A LESBIAN AND THIS GUY WAS A JERK KILL HIM BOYCOTT BOYCOTT) Im pretty hyped for Borderlands 3 now, whenever thatll be.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:16:06 +0000

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