So I just got back from seeing Dallas Buyers Club starring Matthew - TopicsExpress


So I just got back from seeing Dallas Buyers Club starring Matthew McConaughey and it was an interesting film. For those of you who dont know what this film is about, its based on a true story of a homophobic redneck named Ron Woodroof in the mid-1980s who finds out that hes been tested positive for HIV. With only 30 days to live, he desperately searches for a way to survive. When he finds an unapproved medication that works better than FDA approved medicine, he forms the Dallas Buyers Club where people can buy memberships in order to obtain this medication. Now like I said, this was an interesting film, but in a good way. The only problems I had with it the film is that it tends to drag sometimes and the ending was one of those, Okay, were just gonna end it here type of endings. But other than those two things, the movie was good. All of the actors did a great job in this film. With the Award season coming up, I have a good feeling that this one will be up for some awards because both Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto gave excellent performances in this movie. The film had a very interesting story as well as very interesting moments that made me want to Google them and see how much of it was accurate. Overall, Id say its definitely worth checking out. It is a little longer than it needs to be which causes to film to drag a bit and the ending could have been better. But other than that, its a very good film with great performances in this very interesting story that takes place during the early days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Only time will tell if this film will manage to snag an Oscar or two.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:37:33 +0000

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