So I liked a status from Theo DeRoth, and now Im doing this. My - TopicsExpress


So I liked a status from Theo DeRoth, and now Im doing this. My number is 13. 1. I have two degrees in Creative Writing, and part of a third. This is widely acknowledged to have been a poor choice, but I cant very well change it at this point. 2. Ive worked in Food Service, Education, and Package Delivery. None of them has particularly agreed with me. 3. I have never been published. I keep hoping that this will change. It will at some point. 4. The only place I have any degree of privacy is my car, so I get kind of worked up when something is wrong with it. 5. I do my best to only lie when its obvious Im lying -- that makes it a joke, instead of a deception. 6. My favorite writer is Roger Zelazny, though William Gibson, Jorge Luis Borges, Warren Ellis, and Haruki Murakami are kind of doing a three stooges routine to get through the door behind him into #2. 7. I have lived in three cities in as many different states. I keep returning to Kansas City, due to familiarity and an agreeable cost of living. 8. When I was young, I wanted to go into the sciences. Unfortunately, the way that I learn and the way that math is taught in the states dont seem to line up. I quickly decided to go with writing as my second choice -- this was around age 12. 9. The aforementioned Theo DeRoth and I were pen-pals for eight years before meeting in person; she messaged me after reading a piece of fiction I had posted online. When I figured out her physical location in 2012, I arranged a meeting after about a week of contemplating doing so. 10. I am still working on that same piece of fiction. Its in its 23rd or 24th iteration, and features giant robots, mythology, and transhumanism. It totally wasnt originally inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion. 11. I have difficulty learning languages. After seven years of work, my Spanish is still nowhere near fluent. I really want to get back to studying Old English, though. 12. There are several films I really want to write -- and despite the fact that I normally write Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, the two I want to work on most are biopics of Albert Camus and King Alfred the Great. 13. Im a gamer, but I cant get myself to be interested in shooters. My eyes glaze over as soon as I see a screen with the barrel of a gun at the bottom of it. Like the status; get a number.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 00:41:54 +0000

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