So I made a post a few days ago stating how proud I was that Ray - TopicsExpress


So I made a post a few days ago stating how proud I was that Ray Rice got what he got. And I must say that Im disappointed in myself for feeding into media frenzy without looking at the circumstances first. With this post, Im about to get backlash from hardcore, judgmental supporters of the Republican Party cult thatll probably think Im some hard-charging un-American liberal. Oh well, kill yourselves. First off, this couldve ALL been avoided. After all, we all got a CONFESSION from Ray Rice to begin with. If you get a confession, what more evidence do you need? Im not condoning his actions, but this backlash is a little unfair to him, especially since he had enough balls to admit to it. I place a GREAT deal of blame on that sorry ass commissioner Roger Goodell for his act of DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Yall do know what that is right? He gives the man a 2-game suspension (final verdict), and due to public outrage, he decides that FIRST TIME OFFENDERS will get a 6-game suspension; but, he cant re-suspend Ray Rice because he had already made his verdict clear. So when the tape leaks (which was uncalled for since everything had already played out MONTHS ago, and relit a fire that long burned out), and the public outrage gets worse, Roger Goodell decides to suspend him INDEFINITELY!! But wait, isnt he a FIRST TIME OFFENDER??? And wasnt he ALREADY SUSPENDED TO BEGIN WITH??? Yes, that sounds like DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! If you wanted to re-suspend him, why not give him the 6 game suspension you already established? Sounds like a move to save your own ass, ESPECIALLY since the league was tipped that you received a copy of the tape, which you denied even seeing beforehand!! Then theres the Ravens team organization. Yall stand behind him, praising him for manning up and talking all that riff-raff about what a great guy he is, but when the tape leaks, yall terminate his contract UNDER PRESSURE!!! Yall had ALL that time to do that, but waited until TMZ did what they did to finally act on it. Yall immediately turned yalls back on him! So with that being said, there needs to be MORE fire, some in the leagues front office, and more in the Ravens organization. Yes, the fans applauded him, the man CONFESSED to what he did!! And we, the people who are entertained by this story, are so stupid that we almost immediately forgot that GREG HARDY (Carolina Panthers defensive end) is under investigation for the SAME THING!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE! Open your eyes to how crooked the politics in the NFL REALLY is!! Were bashing Ray Rice when the commissioner is the one we ACTUALLY NEED TO BE PISSED AT. If that tape doesnt leak, we wouldnt even be talking about it anymore! This shit was dealt with before the preseason started and it unnecessarily flared back up again!! And the crooked executives did what they did to take the attention away from themselves and our dumbasses fell for it. Yea, this countrys come a long way.... #RantOver
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:51:24 +0000

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