So, I meet this girl 12 years ago...she was in an abusive marriage - TopicsExpress


So, I meet this girl 12 years ago...she was in an abusive marriage and her parents told her to just deal with it and make the marriage work which I couldnt believe that there were people out there like that but, oh yes there are....I took her under my wing so to speak and protected her as much as I could....she had the baby made me godmother and had to go away for a while so I took her children until she was finished fixing things...of course she finds a man and dumps me like a bad habit and over an 8 year period I saw her maybe three times because he made the decisions and didnt like to visit...He was a good guy and took care of them....he died a few years back and I took them in once again because they lost the house they were living in...she moved in and brought another guy with her....they paid nothing and he treated the kids like caged animals as she just watched and allowed it calling this dysfunctional situation of playing house calling it her family....I finally put my foot down and kicked him out because he stole everything they owned of value and put her in then there was another worthless guy that she found and took photos and posted them all over with the word family in caption AGAIN....sadly though I never seemed to be in any of these Family photos all over the house as I still asked for rent, utilities etc...she was even out of work for several months but still I called them family and it was a reflex to take care of them as they were my heart and I loved them...she got rid of that guy too and started seeing a pretty nice guy...but again slowly, I started being left out of responsibilities I had with the children, whom I lived for...saw them a little less, and a little more less until I was no longer involved and there again popped up all these family photos and thanks to the greatest guy for this and that....but not too much of thanks for the people that pay for everything and ask for nothing in return....not even a thanks...but I did hear her verbally say thank you, when she knew I feeling a bit left out and sad...but never the facebook posts of being so greatful to have him...So, the guy moved in paying a little rent....not utilities or anything else....just rent...but I though he was a really nice guy and he seemed way more considerate than she was...recently we had to ask for a little money from her because we are in dire straights and in need...he pays $300...and she pays $200... still no cable, internet, utilities that is $620 alone...but the small amount of rent was a little helpful, and we needed it...Now, I am full fledged out of the loop all together....I use to be responsible for school interactions, discipline decisions, but mostly I just loved spending time...out of everything Ive done for all of them...time was all I needed in return and all I asked, Im out completely...oh and the parents she cried to me every night over....they were in....Now they still live in my house...I thought there was hope even after my husband warned me over and over that she didnt give a shit about me, I said no, not her...shes her next move seems to be talking shit about me to the kids, that was when I knew it was done and I was betrayed, being taken advantage of and came to the realization that my husband was I walk around my house avoiding the front in case they pull up when Im out there and hate going into my own laundry room cuz thats the door to the side of the house that they reside in...tonight, they texted my husband at work to ask for the Air conditioner key....Im at home...and apparently to avoid having to confront me they called a person that wasnt even here at the house! Even after all theyve put me through, I would never force my kids to be uncomfortable! Why would I say no? So, he puts on facebook that he pays rent and cant even turn on the air conditioner...HE DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR THE KEY? What kind of bullshit is that? AND, I tried to go and give it to them but, they locked the door so I couldnt get in! Sadly no one has or ever will love those kids more than me and she took them away from me too...I am broken. I have a gaping hole in my gut that makes me feel like I need to hold myself together. I feel like a stranger in my own house walking on broken glass, and pretending that my family is right next door but they dont want me anymore....I truly dont know how much more I can endure....Ive just never seen this kind of ungreatfulness in my lifetime...and I dont want the thank you because I was brought up believing that words are just that, words....actions speak louder, always...I guess she wasnt brought up that way....Im crushed and my heart is bleeding for my babies...
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:03:01 +0000

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