So I might be enrolling for next year. Done film school. Going to - TopicsExpress


So I might be enrolling for next year. Done film school. Going to do short films and Christian neo 80s synth-black gospel rap (rhyming over 80s synth beats, Black gospel feel since my father is black (Maori) and I identify more with the Black culture than white culture and reach out to Islanders and Maoris through my music as well as Lebanese Christians and other minorities in Australia with Jesus the main message. BUT my ultimate dream goal is this, to work in Hollywood as a director/filmmaker/screenwriter and direct an Independent film about Jesus Christ called YESHUA, done as foreign language film with complete Middle Eastern/Jewish actors. Jesus wouldnt look like a Chris Hemsworth model (the terribly reviewed Son of God). Hed look like a respectably tall yet lean, almost frail average looking Middle-Eastern guy with scraggly hair tied back and a beard that extends down to his chest, thin eyebrows, kind eyes and the warmest smile youve ever seen but I want him to look like this: if anyone passed him on the street, youd think he was homeless. He wouldnt be wearing white robes and acting all pious or holy, hed joke around, be light-hearted, almost child-like in his interactions with people. Some people would even consider him ugly by modern audiences standards but thats until the transfiguration where you see his whole physical flesh change to pure light. I do concept drawings before I start, I am writing the screenplay and it begins with Creation. Then the fall of Lucifer. Then the war in Heaven (I wrote it as this, we are seeing into the spiritual so everything is going to be heightened and very dream-like and surreal. Satan will be a huge dragon) and Michael will simply more of the Chris Hemsworth-types except 15 feet tall, beautifully handsome and mighty and strong yet at the same time made of a white fire. Im going to tie everything in with the world now, especially with a scene with a seven headed T-rex-like dinosaur with Johns dream and match up prophecies in scenes. Ex. And I saw Satan like lightning cut to Satan losing and Michael throwing him out of the Third Heaven into the Universe, through the Universe like a large lightning bolt of a comet and hitting Earth. Wars in various places, montage of wars through out the ages to modern times. The abomination that causes desolation, the antichrist (a false perhaps even Christian in name only) religious figure - not a politicial who is really possesed by Satan) sitting on the throne of the Third Temple. So I;d love to make a film that A. is good storytelling and uses a three act structure and B. reaches out to unbelievers. Does anyone here direct or screrenwrite and/or interested in helping?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:19:44 +0000

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