So I need to point out something. Im sure youve all heard that a - TopicsExpress


So I need to point out something. Im sure youve all heard that a woman named Stephanie Maynard who was diagnosed with brain cancer, made a choice to be the public face of assisted suicide and killed herself. People Magazine covered her decision to move to Oregon and she will be used to justify a great deal. Sadly, the same magazine covered a breakthrough trial for a polio deriviative injection for brain tumors at Duke University Medical Center. I wonder if anyone even bothered to bring this up to this poor woman. I have been very young, told I was going to die from something growning in my brain. I chose to fight. Im Not Dead Yet. When this happened I was 19. While she made her own choices, disabled people like my son are not allowed to make them. When disabled people attempt to make choices often they are pressured by those caring for them to make a choice they might not otherwise make. My case and my survival allowed doctors to learn things that have since allowed countless people to live, when prior to my case most patients were dead before a diagnosis of the issue could be made. I am a passionate believer in life. The quality of my life does not give others the right to see me as spare parts or a lost cause. Here is the article about the patient who survived brain cancer. - Kerima Garibaldi de Cevik
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:23:56 +0000

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