So I pulled a blonde moment and liked a status so I got the number - TopicsExpress


So I pulled a blonde moment and liked a status so I got the number 15..... So here goes 1. Im not very good at talking about myself, I hate it. 2. Ive never been so excited in my life about anything as I am to be a mommy! 3. My mom is my absolute best friend. Shes my rock,my supporter, my hero, my shoulder, and my biggest support system and no one nor anything can change that! 4. I have a really big heart, I forgive easy and I give people more chances then they deserve. I try to see the best in everyone! 5. Dance was and will always be my passion 6. Im a huge country girl. Id rather be in a field around a fire listening to music watching the stars over anything to do with the city 7. Four wheeling is something I live for! Put me on one and ill be happy and ill always do my best to keep up! 8. Im terrified of being alone! Its my biggest fear. Ill leave my house and go somewhere just to avoid being home alone! 9. Im also terrified of dying (mainly whats going to happen when I die) talking about it will even make my anxiety trigger 10. I have a rare type of appendicitis that causes my appendix to inflate but then it goes back down but they refused to remove it when I was little. 11. I hate sweets (cake, ice cream, cookies ect.) I can only eat little tiny bits of it 12.I really want to be an ultra sound tech but I hate school and was never good at it so I havent gone back 13. I want to settle down and be happy. I want to live out in the country in a simple home one land so I can have all they toys and animals Ive always wanted 14.I believe you should always live to be the person you are. Do the things that make you happy and never be afraid to do something for fear of what someone else may think of you. After all in the end those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind 15. I have 5 piercings and two tattoos and yes I want more of each :) Like this and ill give you a number:)
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 23:07:58 +0000

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