So I realized that this date marks 5 years since my first - TopicsExpress


So I realized that this date marks 5 years since my first marathon. I ended up writing an email to everyone in my email contacts. On Tuesday I am going to personally contact at least 5 of these people to ask for a donation. If you are bored, and have a few minutes, here is what I sent them: Please read this as I thought of you when I wrote it: This morning was no different than most Saturdays. I was up early to prepare for my long run with Team World Vision. I went out to prepare the course and hang balloons. I had hand written directions for both groups - marathoners and half marathoners. We met, prayed and went out to run. Upon completion, I waited until the last runner arrived - almost two hours after I had finished. When I returned home I spent time with the family. Griff asked about my run. (Wow! You did 10 miles today, Mom? You are a GREAT runner.) Then I relaxed for a bit. While reading I glanced over at my dresser and upon seeing my Mickey statue with my first medal, I realized: TODAY marks the exact date since I ran my very first marathon - Walt Disney World Marathon. Inline image 5 My first medal and t-shirt! I got up and checked my running t-shirt (I have kept it all these years) and the date did say January 10, 2010. Wow. My first big race. For many of you, you may think I have been a runner most of my life. But I havent. I was on the cross-country team my high school sophomore year, but I came in last the three races I did. Really, this race was the one that transformed me into a runner. Why did I do Disney? I ran to honor the memory of my grandmother, Virginia Masters. She had died from complications due to leukemia and breast cancer. So I signed up with Team In Training and ran 26.2 miles. The training was tough with MANY injuries (stress fracture which meant 6 weeks of aqua jogging, sprained ankle - out for another 6 weeks, GI issues). It was tough. But I kept my grandmother in my mind when it got hard. She was an amazing woman and I can only wish I could be lucky enough to follow in her footsteps. My running continued - thanks in part to the local running group (Dirt Running Divas) and a few fabulous running friends. I found that I was good at running. Sure I had a few bumps along the way, but I kept going. I did my first half marathon a few months after Disney, and to date have completed 14 half marathons, 2 marathons, and 5 sprint triathlons. Not bad for a cruddy high school runner! LOL Doing all this has meant determination, understanding & grace (from my family), mental drive, and flexibility. (I know I left off more traits, but these came to mind first.) Inline image 3 My medal rack - I LOVE my bling! I was lucky enough to join my church team to run Chicago Marathon in 2012 with Team World Vision (TWV). While I didnt know much about the organization, we had recently sponsored a child (Paul - with the exact birth date as Griff). I have to admit that race was more about me (I turned 40) rather than TWV. But it sparked something. The following year I trained with TWV but did another race. And, upon moving to CA last summer was asked to join the TWV Hood to Coast relay team. Through all this I began to better understand the movement; what World Vision is about. Many of you know I am currently training for the LA Marathon (March 15) with TWV. I am lucky enough to be leading a team from our church, many of whom are new runners. And I have found that this group has brought fellowship that I desperately miss from friends back in Michigan. Its amazing, and has been trans-formative. I believe I will be a life-long runner until the day I can no longer move. It has led to changes in my personality, my lifestyle and even the talents/skills I possess. It has also brought strong friendships and memorable events that are at the top of my life list. I hope God will give me the strength to continue running. Inline image 4 My mantra - more eating than the other two, unfortunately! Which leads me to why I am writing you. You see, when I was thinking about sharing this story with others, your name came to mind. I guess it was a mixture of reasons - you know me, you know about my running, you have supported me (financially and/or prayerfully), and other ways. Today, on the anniversary of my 5 year first marathon I want to say thank you. Honestly - thank you. I could not be the person I am today without you in my life. Lastly, I am going to offer the opportunity for you to change other lives besides mine. I am asking you if youll help donate to Team World Vision today to help in my work to bring clean water to other human beings like you and me. They didnt choose the circumstances they are in (having to walk 6 miles to get contaminated water). I would greatly appreciate it if you would take time to learn more about World Vision ( and my fundraising efforts The link will allow you to also give a donation of any size. To those of you who have already donated, thank you!!! If you are unable to donate, can I ask one more thing from you? Will you pray for me and our team? We have had a few new runners injured, others doubting if they can run it, and most are still struggling with fundraising themselves. I would truly appreciate your prayers. Displaying IMG_0290.JPG I got this to represent my triathlons, but it really represents my spirit. Thank you, by the way, for taking the time to read my update. I am sorry it was longer than I intended, but I have never been one at a loss for words. I am truly grateful for your friendship and support. You have helped me to become a better person, and a better runner. With a grateful heart, Melanie (Burzynski)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:20:41 +0000

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