So, I rode to Wal-Mart with H E yesterday. Stayed in the car, of - TopicsExpress


So, I rode to Wal-Mart with H E yesterday. Stayed in the car, of course. People watched, of course. Here comes this well dressed black man out of the store with the biggest plastic swimming pool you can obtain there, walks over to what looks like a brand new SUV and commences to try to shove this thing in the back. By this time, Ive grabbed my camera, thinking this should be good. He stuffs and stuffs and sweats and puffs, but, every time the hatch wont shut. So he stuffs one more good time and puts his hands up, like you would to a dog. I could read his mind, stay, stay. He walks to the cart holder, I guess looking for string. About that time, two women are walking behind his SUV..........and you guessed it. The pool flies out at them. Ive never seen two people jump that far!!! By this time, Im rolling in the floor laughing. He profusely apologized to the ladies and they wind up laughing. I heard him say his wife had sent him on this mission cause the kids were driving her crazy. I laughed even harder. Now all this time, Im knowing what to do. Lord knows Ive brought a lot of those pools home. Turn it over and hang it over the seats!!!! He finally got it and the last I saw of him, he was pulling out of the parking lot, scrunched up in his seat, hanging out of the window. Now, you heard me mention camera. Couldnt wait for HE to see the funniest home video which was going to win us a cash prize. H E comes out, I say, youre not going to believe this!! Punched start......nothing but the top of my leg for five minutes!!! Now, do yall understand how bored Ive been???!!!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:20:33 +0000

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