So I shared this FB message last week: Each morning you wake up - TopicsExpress


So I shared this FB message last week: Each morning you wake up you choose your attitude and the kind of day its going to be! A man sends me this message: Must be nice to be rich so you can get up in the morning and say that. Not for us who is suffering. I responded with this: Oh, I have suffered in my life. I was almost bankrupt. I had no insurance for my kids, no money and lost my job. But I started saying positive statements like this and focusing on the positive, praying a lot and gave my life to God and things eventually turned around. Challenges are a part of life. Dont be a victim. Decide to be a victor. If I can help lets get on a call and hopefully I can encourage you. He didnt respond. This man has it all backwards. I dont say these positive statements because I am rich. I am rich because I choose my attitude. And by rich I mean in blessings and family and love. I use to blame everyone for why my life wasnt how I wanted it to be. Now I thank God for how far I have come and am excited about who Im becoming.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 14:36:23 +0000

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