So I started out for the shop and the pile of used tack to sort - TopicsExpress


So I started out for the shop and the pile of used tack to sort and pack the truck for the sale tomorrow. Got side tracked when I went to the garage to get the wagon, which then side tracked me when I saw the metal hangy thingy I use to hang stuff on and thought........How hard can it be? and took that to the shop with me to beef it up. Got frustrated with the mess and trying to work around it and started to clean...then panicked because I realized things that Jerry touched last werent in the same place and attempted to put some of it back....then realized how dumb that is and continued cleaning. Got all the area around the radial arm saw and the drill press cleaned up and remembered why I went in the shop to begin with and slid the tote full of the tack across the floor, right past the metal hangy thingy which I then went back to beefing up. Let me just say that the drill press is NOT your friend. It is more powerful than you. It yanked a piece of wood out of my hand then proceeded to taunt me. However while cleaning, I did find the key to it so no more taking the key back and forth from the saw to the drill. Sooooo I got the metal hangy thingy beefed up, got the truck loaded, got a tiny portion of the shop cleaned up, and have a load of wash going. Overall a good day.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 01:05:43 +0000

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