So, I think in the 4 week run up to the mid terms as I begin more - TopicsExpress


So, I think in the 4 week run up to the mid terms as I begin more frequent rants Im going to start today and entitle this one The brake peddle is on the left The reason I have decided on this particular title is the fact that mainstream, mass media seems to do NOTHING but try to perpetuate any, and all IRRATIONAL fear on ANY issue that will help them fill their 24 hour news cycle, or, any issue that they give enough legs to, so they bring on any and all so called experts to fill their political pundits hour long programs in prime time. We have been hearing about ISIS or ISIL or whichever term they are calling this terrorist group this week, for months now. YES, there is NO doubt that this group is vicious and will do about anything in order to advance their religious/political agenda. They ARE a threat to what LITTEL stability Iraq has or HAD in the recent months and years, BUT this whole narrative that they have grown so strong, and far reaching that they are currently planning multiple attacks on American soil any day now, is pretty laughable. We even have some dumbass jr members in Congress jumping on the fear monger trail by MAKING SHIT UP, such as republican representative Duncan Hunters claim that border agents have caught 10 members of ISIL crossing our southern border , so you KNOW there HAS to be more that have gotten through His claims have zero merit, none of his, and others on the rights claims have been proven to have even a SHRED of truth to them, but, do you think that will STOP them from those claims? Absolutely not. Now, will I say, or can ANYONE say that ISIS or ANY other terrorist group WONT EVER stage another attack on American soil? Well no, because unless you happen to be a REAL fortune teller, or you happen to be a long lost relative of Nostradamus, there is not ONE person or, group of people that can say with 100% certainty that it WONT happen again. That said, the FACT of the matter is, its NOT quite as easy for a foreign terrorist group to stage a huge attack here as some would like us to believe! This is nothing more than the GOP trying to use border security as a political issue in the upcoming mid terms. The FACT of the matter is, that it is MUCH easier for terrorist to LEGALLY enter the country through CANADA than it is for a bunch of them to sneak through the southern border! Make no mistake, the civil war that is happening in the middle east and the groups like ISIS that has cropped up over the last few years is ALL because of the folly that was the Iraq war that Dubya and co. LIED to get us into. Plain and simple. The question now is, since we created the problem, what do we do about it? Well, there would be nothing TO do if we would embrace alternative energy so we wouldnt be dependent on middle eastern oil, but thats an issue for another time. Next on the fear mongering front, is this whole ebola craze. YES it is in fact a nasty, deadly disease that is killing thousands in western AFRICA! We have so far, had ONE confirmed case in the U S, ONE, and now I hear the right blaming everyone from the CDC to Obama, etc. which is NO surprise given the fact that they ( the right ) would accuse Obama of being on the grassy knoll in 63 if they could, and saying we should shut off air travel and everything else before it spreads to the US. While on the surface SOME might say its reasonable until you consider exactly how REMOTE the chances are that ebola could actually spread here in the U S the way its has in Africa. It can ONLY be spread by direct human contact, I E bodily fluid, which means, that even IF there were a few more cases here in the US, your chances of contracting the disease are about as likely as you getting eaten by a great white shark while taking a beach vacation at the north pole! Every year, literally hundreds of thousands of people die from the flu or the common cold, which ARE spread by casual contact and through the air, so according to republican logic, shouldnt we close down air travel EVERYWHERE in the fall of the year once flu season starts ? Folks, you have to use your common sense and your RATIONAL brain these days even MORE than ever. You see, the mainstream media as I have already mentioned, make their money off tragedy, and strife around the world. They dont get ratings, thus, advertising premiums doing reports about cute puppies, rainbows and unicorns. They get their ratings and income by showing us the WORST side of humanity, by showing us the WORST car wrecks in the world. Sadly, pain, misery, sadness and death, sell better than good news. Then, you throw in that little special ingredient that politics adds, specifically the fact that the right wing in this country, their ENTIRE platform these days seems to be peddling all the fear they can muster. They rarely have RATIONAL ideas to present the electorate, and since they need to fool the electorate, and keep their minds occupied to avoid the REAL issues, such as the fact that they have sat on their asses since 2010 and not passed the FIRST jobs bill, and basically have collected their tax payer funded paychecks to do NOTHING for the American people, they want to keep the FEAR rolling! It was FEAR post 9/11 that allowed Dubya and the GOP to craft the WORST piece of legislation in the history of the republic, the patriot act which by the way, was basically the SAME thing the b neo con think tank ( I cant imagine given the members of this group that there was much thinking going on ) PNAC had drafted as, legislation we would like to see enacted back in 1997! So, they used that tragedy, and then FEAR to basically start stripping American CITIZENS of MANY of the basic rights that are forefathers KNEW were necessary to build a strong FREE nation! Why do you think the department of homeland security was created? All it has done is create ANOTHER huge bureaucracy that cost BILLIONS to do things that COULD have been done WITHOUT the creation of another huge agency. What do we know about this department? Only that they TOO use FEAR to drive their agenda with their ridiculous terror threat levels we have been seeing for over a decade! You see folks, at the end of the day, the GOP has run out of ideas, much less GOOD ideas, so the ONLY thing they can run on come election time is FEAR. They HAVE to make us scared that democrats arent keeping us safe from terrorist , foreign powers, plague and disease. Their economic policies have been PROVEN a total BUST under Reagan, Bush1 and Dubya, their foreign policy has been proven a complete bust since there is no red threat for them to lean on ( and NO for those of you who like to engage in revisionist rewriting of history, Reagan DID NOT end the cold war as his acolytes love to claim ) so, all the GOP has these days is to obstruct progress, then blame it on democrats, or, to FEAR MONGER, rolling out any and every scary sounding group, disease, or even racial undertones along with hyper extreme religious views to try and fool the American voter into giving them the power and the votes they need. I would LOVE for a republican or GOP voter to tell me ONE good idea, or plan for ANYTHING from the economy to healthcare, to well ANYTHING they have rolled out in the last 3 decades. The fact of the matter is, the GOP have had to resort to pandering to the MOST extreme right wing christian ideology along with the GREEDIEST billionaires on the planet to support them both at the voting booth and financially to keep them in power! They have to deny science, and come up with some of the most asinine claims imaginable to win elections. They have been very successful at their propaganda thanks to the likes of the Koch brothers and many other wealthy corps and businesss to even stay relevant. They have even been able to convince a LOT of middle class and poor people that voting FOR these billionaire supported candidates will somehow HELP them, when EVERY policy position they hold does nothing but HURT working folks in this country! THATS what this fear mongering has produced. The GOP is now the party of the wealthy pure and simple, and some of these wealthy oligarchs want nothing but MORE, they want to pay LESS in taxes than they already do, and they care for nothing but further enriching themselves at the expense of the rest of us. SO, I say, pump your brakes folks While the world IS a scary place sometimes, its not NEARLY as terrifying as the mainstream media and the right would have you BELIEVE, so quit basing your VALUABLE vote on FEAR, and use that vote for PROGRESS
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:02:50 +0000

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