So I think it’s time,. We’ve been saying we needed to budget - TopicsExpress


So I think it’s time,. We’ve been saying we needed to budget for years, but to be honest – we’ve never done it. Hell we’ve never even sort of came close. And it’s not like we’re struggling, living paycheck to paycheck or even really have too, which for the record I am thankful for. But our spending is off the chain! Who else goes into Target or Meijer for just a few items and comes out with a cart full and a few hundred dollar bill to match? > This girl, yep me, right here, completely guilty of it. So it’s time – I’m going to start the spending diet, No need to really discuss it, I just need to implement it. So imagine Keith’s surprise to learn that I had essentially been cut off. Pay date is weekly, so it’s hard to base shopping on a pay date. I have instead decided to run errands, and do the grocery shopping twice a month. And this is hard for us, we like to go out when we need something, which sometimes can be daily or a few times a week, especially when you have two growing toddlers that go through milk and fresh produce like teenagers… We’re also going to withdraw enough cash to cover our “allowances” for the month, which will mean not much. We’re excited to see what happens with cash in hand since that isn’t something we normally do. I think we both freely spend every time we get paid. Despite our reluctance, I can’t see how this plan won’t work. The biggest part of the plan is to reduce extra spending, but another aspect is to try and find ways to increase our income. What are some ways other thrifty family and friends cut their budgets every month?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 23:50:20 +0000

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