So I this review really belongs on my blog, but since its - TopicsExpress


So I this review really belongs on my blog, but since its currently not up and running Ill post it on here and make it brief. Heard of the new book called Red Rising by Pierce Brown? If you havent, Im not surprised. Its fairly new, and this is Browns first novel (I believe). I myself only happened to pick it up because a customer at Barnes & Noble mentioned it to me. She said something along the lines Its very similar to the Hunger Games. Now I have to say similar is putting it lightly. No offense to Brown, but I couldnt have written a more exact copy of Hunger Games if I tried. Lets go down the checklist shall we? Teenage main character who deals with life problems beyond that of a normal teen? Check Unfair social hierarchy based on genetics? Check Rebellion plot to free the lower classes revolving around main character (all literal hopes and dreams of the future are placed on their shoulders)? Check Unfair dictator who still tries to seem like a fair ruler? Check Teens murdering each other? Check Teens murdering each other for, basically, the amusement of others while said others basically control their fate with unfair favoritism or spiteful inattention? Double check Theres more, but those are the main points, I feel. There are some slight differences, like the main character being a boy, and the teens killing each other ARE from the privileged upper class, but through the course of the book you kind of forget that. It makes for an interesting couple of chapters, though, as you watch the main character try to ascend to this gold level just to realize hes not really any better off. Overall, a pretty meh book, but if you really enjoyed the Hunger Games (which I did not), give it a read. Youll find yourself connecting with Darrow, the main character, way more then you did with the emotionless drone that was Katniss Everdeen.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:09:25 +0000

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