So I tried to ignore my eye today but it got progressively worse! - TopicsExpress


So I tried to ignore my eye today but it got progressively worse! Before I went to A&E Daren Wood and I killed two birds with one stone and popped in on Adam Fleet from Tavistock Enterprise Hub who I met at a recent event. I was busting for a pee while he have us a guided tour of his offices. I finally chose my moment to duck out for a call of nature. I dried my hands using the paper towels provided. I then pushed the release button for the bin lid beside the sinks! The lid which had a pretty hefty spring, popped up but then I couldnt get it to clip shut again! On the fourth attempt I pushed it down hard with my right thumb which pushed the lid right through the other side! As I quickly tried to pull my thumb out, the whole thing became a giant fenn trap, clasped my thumb and my immediate reaction was to yank my thumb away! As I did this, the lid came away from the bin so I was hopping around the gents loos trying not to shout whilst trying to remove the stupid thing from my hand. Aware that I had been gone a little while, I place the lid back on the bin and went back in to meet with the Adam and his team. As I shook hands with his accountant I noticed my thumb was bleeding so then I had to go back to the toilet to get another paper towel! When the accountant went to shake my hand, I awkwardly shook his with my left hand! (A bit like two men holding hands really). Adam then asks if I am okay as I look really tired so I tell him Im fine its just Ive got some metal stuck in my eye! We then go to leave so rather than opting for the bloody handshake or the hand holding I feel that the best option is to go in for the hug!!! Awkward!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:22:34 +0000

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