So I try to remain a positive person but I am just having one of - TopicsExpress


So I try to remain a positive person but I am just having one of those days. Maybe it has been stuck at home with a sick child but my attitude is no very good today. I am feeling the strain of being a mom two young girls and the caregiver to my husband. I love my girls to death but I dont get a moment to myself not even to go to the bathroom. Our younger is especially demanding right now? Give me what I want and right now! Plus the added stress of what cancer brings, the worry, the phone calls, sorting through the mail and bills, the unknown. It can be so much to handle. I know I need to let things go like a clean house, laundry building up, being behind on Christmas preperations. I often think why us? That saying everything happens for a reason. I still havent found that reason. I have the support of Andy but it is just hard with him not being here. But tomorrow is another day. I do have so much to be thankful for. I cherish the days we have and hope for years to come. Thanks for letting me vent
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:42:16 +0000

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