So I usually dont do this, but sometimes, it just needs to be - TopicsExpress


So I usually dont do this, but sometimes, it just needs to be said. Last night a student brought his friend to my class to check it out. The dude did some BJJ, but didnt like it and was looking for something else. Its no knock on BJJ, the way I teach Wing Chun isnt for everyone either. So hes watching the class and isnt asking any questions. So class is winding down and he finally asks, how come you teach your students to fight square, but in MMA they teach you to fight with the shoulders shifted? I explain to him how WC is based on how the body moves naturally, and the efficiency and control that correspond to that understanding of natural body movement. WC is all based on common sense and understanding of how the body moves acts and adjusts to allow us to maintain control of ourselves at all times. And just how wing chun is a superior martial art. I didnt say that, even though its true :-) I can see the wheels turning in his head but he still isnt understanding that if what Im saying is true, then why wouldnt we see it MMA fights. I told him that worrying about something like that is like trying to figure out why people are obese. Why the hell do I want to waste my time trying to figure out something like that? People will be people and theyll like what theyll like. In martial arts sense, I just worry about developing and applying my game, the Wing Chun game. I dont care at all what the other person is doing. Theres no need to. And thats one of the beautiful life lessons of wing chun. In wing chun, we talk about center control, and how I never want to be leaning on someone, because if Im leaning on them, then Im relying on them to prop me. But just like wing chun, in the big picture of life itself I want to learn to stand for myself, find my own center, and not be reliant on someone to stand me up. I want to learn to be my own person, and not just some carbon copy of someone else. That, and there a huge, ridiculously big difference between sport fighting and true street survival reality. And the main difference between these two things is the way in which you have to match the intent of what the person is doing to you. If you want to play a game of tag, and see who can make the other person say, ma-tay first. Thats cool, if thats your thing. But dont for one second thing that, thats the same thing as if someone has forced you into a higher form of combat, survival. See the hardest thing for people to understand is the mindset of matching that intent of the opponent or evildoer. That is something that has to be developed as well. That mindset of matching intent will be better than any technique you could ever learn. That mindset is the foundation to which your motions will rest on. Learn to play your game, trust what you learn, save you it can. Ken
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:22:17 +0000

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