So, I usually dont put statuses anymore on here, but I thought it - TopicsExpress


So, I usually dont put statuses anymore on here, but I thought it would be neat if I shared this with you all. Someone gave me the number nine, so now I will share nine things which you may or may not know about me. 1) I attend the University of Louisville, and it was the best decision I have made thus far. With this in mind, I plan on becoming an Occupational Therapist (similar to physical therapist-helps with rehabilitation). I have made so many new and close friends at UofL. You know who you are. Also, my wonderful, original roomies, Erin and Kels will always be my roomies for life. I love you girls, Erin Smith and Kelsey Hough. 2) I love cats. Everything about them. They are such curious, agile creatures, and my dream cat would be a Maine Coon. 3) I was burned by a floor heater when I was five and a half. I have second and third degree scars that mark my arms, back, and legs, but it doesnt stop me from doing things that I love to do. I actually love my scars, because it reminds me of how unique I really am. 4) I didnt actually get my license until I was 18, but that means I didnt have to wait an extra six months to take my test. This was also the same time when I bought and paid off my first car completely. I am very blessed for being able to afford it. 5) I have an amazing best friend as a boyfriend (understatement). You may know him by Nolon Dant. God really blessed me with a man like him. He goes far out of his way for me and treats me with so much love and respect. Weve been dating for nearly two years come early spring, and I can hardly wait for all the other years we will get to spend with one another. 6) I am still a sandwich artist at Subway. I have been there for over two years now! God really blessed me with each and every wonderful fellow coworker I have or had, as well as a wonderful manager. They are all hard workers and I admire them for all that they do. 7) I simply love food. I would die without it (literally and metaphorically). Even though I have a pretty small figure, I think you would be thoroughly surprised at how much I can pack away inside of me. If you set anything in front of me, I will probably eat it most likely. And if I eat with you, I will probably ask if I can have a taste of your food. 8) I have my one, and only brother, Drew Vance. No matter how far away we are, he still holds such a special place in my heart. We used to fight literally nonstop all through our childhood together, but now since weve gotten older, Ive come to realize how much he truly means me. I have a lot of faith in him, because I know how talented he is, and how he can use all his abilities to his advantage in life. I love you, Bubs. 9) Ive realized now since Im starting to grow up more and more everyday, that no matter how many things happen in my life, or how tough situations can be, God will never let me down. He will ALWAYS put people in my life for a reason. If you put your trust in Him, nothing can be too much. He has saved my life in various ways. Im so blessed that I have all these opportunities coming my way, and that now is the beginning of the rest of my life. I can hardly wait to see all the marvelous things He has in store for me, and those around me, and those that read this. Dont ever forget how important you are. We all have a calling, a purpose. Figure out what it is! :)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:18:03 +0000

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