So I walked all the way up Richmond Hill with the dog. On the way - TopicsExpress


So I walked all the way up Richmond Hill with the dog. On the way up I kept almost falling down the hill because of the leaves being so slippery and I chose one of the steepest entrance spots I figured I could use my dogs muscles to help pull me up the hill (to get him to pull all I had to say was up) and then I planned to let him off leash once we entered the woods. So after making it safely up scrappy got to run around and be free, as soon as we got up there it became dark outside. Upon leaving I tried to take a less steep path down the hill. I fell on my butt probably four times at least and it had nothing to do with scrappy pulling me because he had his head collar on it was just that slippery because of the leaves. Every time I fell scrappy came directly to me like he was worried. I giggled and had a great time all the way down the hill! However I am slightly itchy hoping I didnt catch poison ivy after being poison Ivy for Halloween that would be too ironic! Also I think I hurt myself both my wrists and one of my ankles all kind of hurt from catching myself! When I got to the bottom of the hill I noticed a girl who asked me if I was alright I laughed and said yes she said I dont know how you managed to do that with a dog, I fell several times without a dog coming down the hill! I politely explained that I did fall a lot and that I wasnt sure what I was thinking but that I blame the leaves not the dog!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:46:47 +0000

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