So I walked in the elevator in the garage at work and a lady that - TopicsExpress


So I walked in the elevator in the garage at work and a lady that is known for not being polite walked in after me. She spoke not a word! I was not bothered because her so called reputation had preceded her... So I continued to play on my phone. We arrived at our floor and she sprinted ahead of me... Im talking about the kind of sprint that you do when you want to catch the other elevator before any one else so you can ride by yourself! 😂 The elevator came... she got on...the door slowly closed... Un-phased by her, and preparing to catch the other elevator, I kept walking at my regular pace. Lo and behold I saw a hand stretched out and stopped the elevator door from closing. In my head im thinking, Naaaaw, not her, she wouldnt do that for me! But oh yes, she did! She stopped the elevator door from closing and waited for me. I hurriedly ran towards the door, to welcome this act of kindness that was so unexpectedly bestowed upon me. Me: thank you so much! Her: she spoke not a word... BUT she SMILED! ****baby steps**** 😊 We both came off at the same floor and guess what??? I heard the most beautiful words ever spoken (By her at least). She said HAVE A NICE DAY! I was pleasantly surprised and responded with a hearty thank you and same to you! The lesson in the message is... 1. We should always give people the benefit of the doubt and not necessarily go by what others have said. 2. Create your OWN experience with the person and dont act upon the experience of others. 3. Set the tone that you want your atmosphere to exude. (The minute she entered the elevator, I should have said good morning instead of waiting for her to say it to me). 4. Be polite ALWAYS. No matter how another person is, you remain who you are. If you are a polite person, be polite ALL the time. Great Morning Loves 😘
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 14:02:29 +0000

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