So. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who was involved in - TopicsExpress


So. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who was involved in taking down, sorting out and packing away all mine and Emma Harriss belongings whilst I was at the hospital with Emma. I cannot actually express my gratitude for your kindness and generosity. I know you are all awesome, so was confident you would have done what you could for us, but was expecting to have to get back to site, gather our things together, get my tent down and pack my car. Emma was discharged from hospital at around 8pm following xrays, with tissue damage and quite a lot of pain but otherwise OK (apart from being high as a kite on painkillers). We returned to site, with me watching the sky and hoping I could get my kit sorted and packed away before it was too dark. The first sign was when I couldn’t see my tent where it had been, so realised someone must have kindly taken it down for me. I asked Dennis if he knew where my stuff was and he said we would sort it in a minute. I was then distracted by Chilli and spuds as I suddenly realised I hadn’t eaten since breakfast (Emma was too far gone to want food, despite demanding KFC in the ambulance on the way to hospital! ;o). ). As I sat eating my chilli, thinking about how to distract Emma so she didn’t try to help me to pack (cos she is a stubborn bugger and won’t listen to reason), I spotted a car that looked suspiciously familiar, fully packed with kit and ready to go. Relief flooded through my veins (for the second time that day). Fed and fuelled by tea, we headed home, via KFC as apparently Emma’s appetite returned part way home). I am unsure who did what, although I know that filthy splitter Luke Dickin had a lot to do with my car being packed. I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped in whatever way from Spence bringing me my cash card and phone and people giving me cash for brews etc at the hospital, to people gathering together and packing both of our stuff away for us. Thanks to Dennis for the emergency loan of the phone and to Mark for collecting us and thanks for the Chilli and tea to fuel our journey home. The lady on the ambulance said she was amazed when they arrived on site by the quality of the event, how authentic the camps looked, the organisation and the fact that event crew in florescent jackets were there to guide the ambulance in, every step of the way (and get it out when it got stuck in the mud). Most impressive of all though she said, was the sense of community she felt when she arrived on site. She was so impressed with the kindness she saw and how everyone pulled together and wanted to help each other and described us as a lovely bunch of people (she may not have said that if she had seen us an hour earlier!). Anyway, rambling aside, thanks again for being awesome and I think I now remember one of the main reasons I bloody love this hobby. Love you guys. xx
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:53:41 +0000

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