So I was accused of being slanderous but really since I write it - TopicsExpress


So I was accused of being slanderous but really since I write it would be libel if I was committing a crime or tort, which I am not as I can support my allegations that the President really is a Dumb ass and more importantly a liar. From my friend Steve all listed nice and neat: Steve Russo Our Dear Leader Now Denies Involvement in His Own Obamacare Creation, While Dems Who Are Up For Re-election are Now Rushing To Delay The Train Wreck (after they called anyone who wanted to delay it 3 weeks ago, Terrorist, Hostage Takers, Suicide Bombers and Extremist) ...and 460,000 Americans Discover That You Really CANT Keep Your Healthcare Plan or Your Doctor, Epic Obama Failure! Oops, The Washington Rats are jumping off the SS Obamacare Titanic faster than it took to sign it into law! How ugly things can get within a 24 hour period. Every Rat for themselves! ~ Obama Flashback: “Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you, First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.” abcnews.go/blogs/politics/2009/07/president-obama-continues-questionable-you-can-keep-your-health-care-promise/ ~ Obama Flashback: President Obama promised 15 Times That Healthcare Costs Would Go Down For Everyone.... ~ Nancy Pelos Flashback: Because of Obamacare, everybody will have lower rates. July 1, 2012 appearance on Meet the Press! ~ But at a Thursday June 6, 2013 press conference, Pelosi says: I Dont Remember Saying that Everybody in the Country Would Have a Lower Premium weeklystandard/blogs/pelosi-i-dont-recall-saying-premiums-would-go-down-everybody-under-obamacare_733919.html Unfortunately for Our Glorious Leader and his minions, Many healthcare providers didnt hear that message or... just cant comply to the Kings wishes! Theres nothing like that swift kick in the ass off harsh reality to wake people up from their Obama induced Coma! ~ 16 Million Americans Will Lose Their Current Healthcare Plans in 2014 Because of Obamacare..... The U.S. individual health insurance market currently totals about 19 million people. Because the Obama administrations regulations on grandfathering existing plans were so stringent about 85% of those, 16 million, are not grandfathered and must comply with Obamacare at their next renewal. healthpolicyandmarket.blogspot/2013/10/week-two-of-obamacare-federal-health.html#more ~ By The End Of The Month, More People Will Lose Their Insurance Under Obamacare Than Signed Up In The Exchanges.... washingtontimes/news/2013/oct/23/boehner-more-people-will-lose-insurance-obamacare/ ~ Florida Blue, Terminates 300,000 Policies, (about 80 percent of its individual policies in the state) In One Day. ~ Kaiser Permanente in California has sent notices to 160,000 people – about half of its individual business in the state. hotair/archives/2013/10/23/oh-good-insurance-cancellation-notices-are-snowballing/ ~ Insurer Highmark in Pittsburgh is dropping about 20 percent of its individual market customers, while Independence Blue Cross, the major insurer in Philadelphia, is dropping about 45 percent of their customers. nbcnews/health/thousands-get-health-insurance-cancellation-notices-8C11417913 ~ Blue Shield of California sent roughly 119,000 cancellation notices out in mid-September, about 60 percent of its individual business. About two-thirds of those policyholders will see rate increases in their new policies landing.newsinc/shared/video.html?freewheel=91474&sitesection=weeklystandard&VID=25280143 ~ Sticker Shock: Obamacare Increases Premiums in 42 States! A comprehensive review has found that young people will see the largest increases to their health insurance premiums and insurance costs will go up in all but fives states for which data is available. Oops! pjmedia/blog/sticker-shock-obamacare-increases-premiums-in-42-states/ ~ Mister Transparent...... Remember this? “President Obama has committed to making his administration the most open and transparent in history…” ~ The Truth... Mister Transparent Strikes Again! Blue Cross rep in North Dakota: The feds asked us not to reveal the number of people who’ve signed up for ObamaCare inforum/event/article/id/416090/ And... Fox Lib Bob Beckel Says White House Official Called Him And Chewed Him Out After He Criticized Obamacare And Called For A Delay… CNN Anchor: ‘Nasty’ Obama People ‘Threaten’ Reporters Over Negative Stories... pjmedia/tatler/2013/10/23/cnn-anchor-nasty-obama-people-threaten-reporters/ What a mess the King and his arrogant court have created for Americans. As half a million people get dropped this week from their healthcare plans because insurance providers are fleeing from Obamacare, those same dropped customers cant get on the Obamacare site to sign up or at least see if they qualify and many wont! Now thats a government achievement and another Obama success story! All Hail The King! But Wait, it gets worse.... Don’t forget Obamacare’s Electronic Medical Records Wreck! Just when you thought the website was a complete crash and burn,here comes the other shoe, your medical records and how the information and data is not compatible with the exchanges! Brilliant again! President Shamwow and his sales team are AWOL on the bureaucratic ravages of the federal electronic medical records mandate. michellemalkin/2013/10/23/dont-forget-obamacares-electronic-medical-records-wreck/ ~ Democrats are now calling for the individual mandate to be delayed for a year - which is exactly what the Tea Party Conservatives like Cruz, Lee, Paul and Rubio wanted to originally do, but were labeled extremist and Arsonist and were told... its the law, get over it. michellemalkin/2013/10/23/cruz-bashing-obamacare-cheerleader-rep-jared-polis-d-colorado-now-pushing-obamacare-waiver-for-ski-resorts/ ~ A walk down the road of not so long ago history... House Republicans Push Obamacare Delay as Shutdown Nears (September 28, 2013) bloomberg/news/2013-09-28/reid-calls-republican-plan-pointless-as-shutdown-nears.html ~ Flash Forward To Wednesday Oct 23, 2013... Senate Dems Up For Re-Election To Back Mandate Delay https://twitter/DanaBashCNN/status/393110100153352192 Dem Senator Manchin Working On Bill To Delay Obamacare Individual Mandate talkingpointsmemo/livewire/manchin-working-on-bill-to-delay-obamacare-individual-mandate Doubling Down on Stupid... Nancy Pelosis Response: Just “fix the technology, and let’s not get too bogged down in what happens if they’re not able to fix it” (Pure Brilliance! Wait, where did I hear this before? Thats right, We have to Pass the Bill before you can get to see whats in it! hotair/archives/2013/10/23/pelosi-just-fix-the-technology-and-lets-not-get-too-bogged-down-in-what-happens-if-theyre-not-able-to-fix-it/ Of course, The Mistress Of Disaster Kathleen Sebelius Says: Im Not Signing Up for Obamacare In an interview with CNNs Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she wont be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement. I have created an account on the site. I have not tried signing up, because I have insurance, she told Gupta. (Yes,and who exactly pays for your insurance Kathleen?, That would be us peasants!) cnsnews/news/article/susan-jones/sebelius-im-not-signing-obamacare Doubling Down On Arrogance... Kathleen Sebelius Says, Its your fault: A Lot Of Americans Dont Know How to Budget For Insurance! (Yes, thats right, how dare you stupid peasants attempt to survive and pay your bills and actually have enough money left over for food! You fools should have enough disposable cash laying around to pay for your healthcare also!, This coming from a woman whose healthcare is paid for by tax payers!) breitbart/Breitbart-TV/2013/10/23/Sebelius-Americans-Just-Dont-Know-How-To-Budget-Monthly-For-Healthcare ~ The Preexisting Mythology.... Flashback: One of the two reasons why we had to destroy the best healthcare system in the world? Preexisting Conditions! But just how many people actually dont have insurance because of preexisting conditions, that we had to dismantle the entire healthcare system for? And the actual number of people that arent covered because of Preexisting Conditions? Ready? 8,000! Thats right... Out of 310 million Americans, only 8,000 people have the problem given as the principal reason for spending almost $1 trillion, creating more than 150 regulatory agencies and causing perhaps 150 million or more people to change or lose the coverage they now have. CBS: “Dramatically Underestimates Costs” in New Estimate Feature! HHS has actually tried to fix a few things on the website. Bad news ... The fixes make the confusion and incompetence even worse. After hearing a hailstorm of criticism over the necessity to completely enroll before seeing premium prices, HHS added a premium estimator on the front page of the website. However, unless you are exactly 27 or 50 years old, the estimates you get will wildly undershoot what you’ll be forced to pay. hotair/archives/2013/10/23/cbs-healthcare-gov-dramatically-underestimates-costs-in-new-estimate-feature/ And America.... Heres your future! No Doctors!online.wsj/news/articles/SB10001424052702303448104579149642030106938
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 01:59:54 +0000

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