So I was at college at the weekend finishing up my Naturopathy - TopicsExpress


So I was at college at the weekend finishing up my Naturopathy Studies. This included an exam and the handing in of an Iridology assignment. I also had two days of lectures to get through. I decided to go on the motorbike as it was the wife’s birthday weekend and she was having some friends over. Anyway, I was in the conference room getting out of my motorcycling safety gear (leathers, boots etc) of the large gym chain that we use for the lectures. One of my fellow students had offered to get me a cappuccino from the bar. So my friend ordered me a large cappuccino and upon doing so the lady standing in the queue next to her decided to voice her opinion in a pretty rude manner. I will call her rude judgemental lady The conversation between my friend and said lady went something like this Rude judgemental lady A large cappuccino! My friend oh its not for me, its for one of my colleagues whose getting changed Rude judgemental lady Thats disgusting, its nearly a pint of milk My friend If you think thats bad you should have seen how much food he ate last night. He had two main meals Rude judgemental lady Is it any wonder that people are obese?! At this point I stuck my head out of the conference door and this is when my friend pointed me out to rude judgemental lady who then commented added, Oh, hes not obese Yeah, youre darn right Im not obese because I generally eat very well and exercise on a very regular basis and am allowed to have a day every now and again where I eat like a monster. Rude judgemental lady just assumed that I was a greedy pig and stuffed my face on a daily basis. And this is one of the biggest problems I see with society. People are too quick to judge, too quick to point their finger at others. And a lot of people are very quick to judge people who are over weight, blaming them for being greedy and or lazy. But this is not the case. Many of the people I speak to dont eat a lot of food. In fact they count every single calorie that they put in their body but still struggle to lose weight. This is because calorie counting isnt the be all and end all of weight loss. In fact its part of a good weight loss program but its not the most important part. In no particular order these are the parts that you need to get right before you start worrying about counting calories. Eat nutrient dense foods. And Im talking foods packed with vitamins and minerals. So eat more veg, eat more fruit and eat quality protein foods. This way your body will get all the key ingredients for building a healthy body. Drink plenty of fresh water. The human body is over 70% water. A regular supply of water is needed to help shuttle the nutrients into the cells. Water is also used in the digestion and elimination of food. Water is also used to make energy in your body. A lack of water leads to dehydration, dehydration leads to low energy, poor skin, and mental fog and water retention. So if you suffer from any of these try upping your water intake. Sleep is a very important part of the fat loss puzzle. Sleep is when your body repairs itself. A lack of sleep will lead to low energy, headaches, blood sugar irregularities and sugar or caffeine cravings. Get at least 8 hours per night. Exercise is another very important part of the weight loss puzzle. Find something that you like, stick to it and work hard at getting better at that exercise on a very regular basis. You dont have to be obsessive about exercise but you DO HAVE TO DO IT if you want to lose the fat AND more importantly KEEP IT OFF. These four tips are all part of a successful fat loss program. Without one you will struggle to lose the weight or struggle to keep it off. I have taken care of all these parts in my 21-Day Fat Loss Blueprint. I tell you why you should be eating smart, and I also tell you how to eat smart. I give you tips on hydration and how much water you should be drinking. I give you tips on how to get better sleep and I also provide you with a cant fail fitness program. When all the parts are put together the results from the 21 Day Fat Loss Blueprint can be amazing, 25lb in 21 days is possible, however most people lose up to 14lb, thats a stone in weight in just 21 days. If you want to be one of those people, heres the link so you can get signed up: eatsmartchallenge/21-day-fat-loss-blueprint/
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:15:58 +0000

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