So I was challenged by Celeste Washington and Kristin Lester to - TopicsExpress


So I was challenged by Celeste Washington and Kristin Lester to post ten things about my hubby that you may or may not know: 1. He is a huge NFL and NBA fan. He loves and adores Lebron James!! 2. His favorite minister is Creflo Dollar!! (He watches him all the time!) 3. He loves to snack( even when he is on his diet, but hey hes lost over 60lbs so he deserves it!) 4. Hes a hard worker and puts his all into his job even if it meant time away from the family. 5. Hes a great provider! And makes sure we have what we need! 6. When he gets his mind set to do a project @ home hell worry me to death talking about it until he gets it done! 7. Is very unorganized @ home and messy! Drives me (or my touch of OCD, lol (no, I havent been diagnosed with it!)) CRAZY!!! 😬 8. Is a BIG PUSH OVER when it comes to discipling the girls! Hell first scold them and then laugh and play with them forgetting to assign a punishment! 9. Hes NOT a morning person AT ALL!!! Hes extremely moody at times. Even when he tells me to wake him up, I wake him up later than what he told me to. 10. Hes not really emotional! In the nine years weve been together (dated for 3 1/2 years; married for 6) I have probably seen him cry 3 or 4 times. 😢 So there you I challenge Stacy Stacy Bryant Noah, Krystal Wattie-Bowles,Tanita Henry Sweat, and Amy Amie Parker Luttrell! Good luck girls!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:40:52 +0000

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