So I was discussing this with an investigator-friend of mine, who - TopicsExpress


So I was discussing this with an investigator-friend of mine, who said that in trying to figure out what is going on, one always begins with the facts of the case. Here is what we know or can reasonably surmise: 1. Dean Dunkle was interviewed and hired by the BoT. 2. In hiring him,they knew that he had acted as his bishop’s man in Fla. when it came to warfare over parishes wishing to withdraw from ECUSA. He knows the canons. 3. The Seminary has been in significant financial distress for years. Millions of dollars in debt have resulted in the sake of more and more (65%?) property. 4. Trends in theological duration demonstrate that faculties of theology that are not aligned/federated with a larger university are less viable. 5. Almost from the outset, DD’s tenure has been fraught with conflict, especially so with the Faculty, while his relationship with the BoT, or at least Exec Ctte is apparently solid. It is almost as if DD is precipitating a crisis. 6. BoT refuses to meet with Faculty—almost a wall of silence. Scheduled meeting, done only after intense pressure, far enough out so as to be almost past point of return to “fix” situation. 7. Alarming lack of concern about reaction in wider church and bad PR. Almost as if the simply do not care. 8. Hiring of manifestly unsuitable adjunct faculty labor. 9. Recent hierarchical moves by 815 to depose intransigent bishops not by due canonical process, but by simply saying they have “renounced” relationship with ECUSA. [first they came for the bishop of S.C., but I was not that bishop ...] Is the same play-book being followed here? GIVEN THIS, is it more likely or not (lex parsimoniae) that DD has been brought in specifically to cause a crisis which will require Exec Ctte of BoT to effectively take day-to-day control of seminary? To close the seminary? To grab the land? Bonus question: if the seminary closes, who gets the assets per the dissolution clause in incorporation documents? Please, I need someone to show where my thinking is faulty?
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:53:05 +0000

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