So I was eating breakfast having my coffee, while Kayleigh was - TopicsExpress


So I was eating breakfast having my coffee, while Kayleigh was telling a story to Sean with a couple of her stuffed animals. I wasnt paying attention to the story but then I distinctly heard Kayleigh say: ...and then she turned to whoring! It took me a second to process it, but then I turned to her and asked her what she said. And then she turned to whoring! Kayleigh repeated. I asked her what she thought the word whoring meant. She then explained to me that she was telling Sean about recently discovered Pokemon that evolved from a Whora to a Whoring. Is that real or did you make that up? I asked. I made it up. A pause. So, how do you spell Whora and Whoring? Well, the first one is spelled H-O-R-A and the second one is spelled H-O-R-I-N-G. Oh, so its a Hora and a Horing? Yeah. Those are really cool names, Kayleigh, but you may want to change the second one, because it kinda sounds like a word thats not very nice. How so? Well, its complicated, but its a form of mean word that thats sometimes used against girls. Just trust me on this one. Okay, Daddy. So what are you going to call it instead? How about I call it a Horun? That sounds great, Kayleigh. Thank you, Kayleigh. Youre welcome, Daddy. Problem solved. I went back to eating my breakfast and drinking my coffee. Kayleigh picked up her story again. So this Pokemon is a Hora. When it grows up, it becomes a Horun, she says. Thats my girl. Then, she concludes her story. BUT KIDS WHO DONT KNOW ANY BETTER SAY ITS TURNED TO HORING!!! #headdesk
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:45:51 +0000

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