So, I was having drinks with some friends over the weekend when, - TopicsExpress


So, I was having drinks with some friends over the weekend when, during a natural lull in the conversation, I started to hum my song of the day. One of my friends inquired as to why I was randomly singing this particular song. I explained it was my song of the day--the first song that pops into my head as I am waking up every morning. They all looked at me like I was nuts. Since I was a small child, Ive awoken without an alarm clock, and with a song on my lips, which I inevitably go back to humming at some point during that waking day. Theres no rhyme or reason to which song it is. One day its rocck, another soul, etc. I always thought this happened to ALL OF US, but my friends assured me that, no, Im just a weirdo. Is it only me this happens to? Maybe its my special little gift from the Universe. Maybe its the manifestation of mental illness. Anyway, I thought Id share my morning song here, for a bit, to see if any other of you are similarly afflicted. Maybe its a window to my soul--or maybe iTunes had a chip implanted into my brain. Anyway, heres Zinos song of the day.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:28:43 +0000

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