So I was listening to the scanner and hear they are evacuating - TopicsExpress


So I was listening to the scanner and hear they are evacuating jeff tech for ANOTHER bomb threat! (There was just one about a month ago). They search the school and evacuate to hime schools AND cg johnson (an elementary school) again. I call the superintendents office and they say something that was a threat was found and that kids were being evacuated to cg. So I called the school and said I was coming to get the kids. She handed the phone to a police officer and I was told I was not allowed to go pick up my own kids from the school! So at that point I lost it. I was PISSED what parent wouldnt be? I was informed that if the situation carrys on past 3:25 at dismissal we would recieve an automated pgone call stating the kids were not being released at normal time then another one saying when they were dismissed and at what time so we could watch for their busses. I was also informed if I showed up like I said I was that I would be arrested.... are you serious? For picking up my kids and taking them to where I can be sure they are safe??? WOW!!! first of all why in the hell would they send kids in tenth eleventh and twelfth grade down to be with student who are between 5 and 11 years old?? Thats a bunch of bs no matter what way you look it it. The idiots must not think that theres enough kids in danger just with the tech kids but lets endanger the safety of hundreds of little kids too!!??? Wth! IDIOTS!!!!! and they then say they hadnt searched all the tech kids before taking the to cg... wow again! How do you know one of them didnt have something on then??!!!! The higher ups are not using their heads. Not at all!!! I truly hope the media is up their asses and down their throats and slapping them with a stupid stick for this crap. Someone needs to make this crap change. I have been fighting their protocalls since a month ago when this happened. I was fed a line of crap about how they dont always use cg they switch it up each time this happens.... well then why was cg just used both times in this situation in a months time??!!! I will not stop this fight. I will continue to bring this load of crap to their attention daily if I have to until something gets changed!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:14:02 +0000

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