So I was not even going to bother commenting on this issue, for - TopicsExpress


So I was not even going to bother commenting on this issue, for obvious reasons. But then overnight, it appears certain males have suddenly developed an arrogant gait in their step, and although I do not begrudge them their newfound confidence, let me set the record straight that the world order has not changed. If a mere man born of a woman, in whom people trust and a congregation look up to can suddenly emerge out of a bitter marriage and spew the putrid remains of his simmering pain on an unsuspecting congregation, it is in no way going to affect my outlook in life. I dont know how the first chauvinist in the world developed the idea that men are superior to women. Yes, I am a christian, I have read the Holy Book from cover to cover, and I dare say that I am very familiar with the story of Adam & Eve, almost as if I was there when it happened. God never made a man head over woman. God subjected the will of the WIFE to the HUSBAND, and even so,as a curse. So if a woman is not ur wife, how on earth do u come off being her superior? And u r only head of the woman u married,not the rest of the female population u didnt marry. But we Christians also understand that the curse was broken & humankind was reconciled to God when Jesus paid the ultimate price on that cross. The natural order was restored, and that is, woman was originally created as a helper to man. Im not sure how anyone has the impudence to assume that the helper is the one who is privileged. Let me break this down. If your car breaks down on the highway in the middle of the night & a kind stranger pulls over to help you out, u r the one indebted to them, not the other way round. If u carry a load on ur head & someone offers to help u, where do u come off as the master and they the servant? It beats me. If u cannot do something on ur own and u need help, obviously u go for someone more skilled and wiser than u r, otherwise u cud help urself cudnt u? We women were created helpers, I dont deny it, but I say without apology to anyone that a helper is smarter and wiser than the one needing the help, or else what wud be the point? As a woman,I cannot help being smart, confident, beautiful & assertive. I was created that way, as were all women. But we were not created to be snobbish, arrogant or selfish. We were created to give of ourselves out of a genuine heart. This does not make us the object of any bodys abuse. As a man,u may have the strength of ten thousand lions, but u still need a woman. I didnt say it, the bible said it in Genesis when God said it is not good for man to be alone. Its so easy for some men and even some women to assume that a beautiful intelligent & assertive woman is playing hard to get, being snobbish, etc. The truth however remains, that women were created that way. Its unfortunate that some women have allowed themselves to be beaten down into a false timidity that the world calls humility,far from what they were created to be. Proverbs 31 makes it perfectly clear that the proud man beating his chest at the city gate and enjoying the admiration of his peers was only made so by a hardworking wife. A woman who exhibits true beauty, intelligence & confidence is a rare gem. She doesnt lie on the surface waiting to be trampled on by every passing creature whether man or beast. She lays hidden and well concealed, and u must work hard to find her and treasure her for life. Its not her fault that some men are not up to the task. She loses nothing if u dont find her, it is u who lose. We all rot when we die; man,woman or rat. So that one is neither here nor there. Finally, let me pay my deepest respects to women like Mary Slessor, Mother Theresah & countless others both past and present whose contribution to humanity far surpassed an attachment to a man. Their memory & deeds are a priceless legacy to generations now & yet to come. Quote all the ratios u want, I am a woman; beautiful, intelligent & not ashamed. Good luck to the man who eventually earns my affirmative nod. Sad luck to him if he never finds the nerve to approach me, but rather sits in his misery and draws statistics on his wall. Thank you to the God who made me this way.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 22:19:02 +0000

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