So, I was one of many asked to speak for a few minutes at church - TopicsExpress


So, I was one of many asked to speak for a few minutes at church this morning and after sharing what I said/wrote with a new friend, I thought I might as well share with the world (revised for clarity--and to include stuff I actually said): I once had the opportunity to share my testimony with a young, single sister who was struggling with her own. I told her what I believed, but what I didn’t share with her was how I was able to keep converting to the gospel on the regular (which is what I think she really wanted to know). Recently, I’ve wanted a do over. One thing I would tell her today is simply that I made a decision. I made a commitment to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of where Im at in life now, I liken it to the choice I made to homeschool. The first time I homeschooled, I went into it trying it...I quit after two and a half months. Many promptings, prayers, bumps and bruises (and a couple years) later I finally decided to commit to it. When I made the decision to actually DO homeschool, I felt the spirit of endurance. It was like the Holy Ghost allowed me to find reminders for why I made that decision. This helped me to endure the times when I felt ready to quit again. This is the same way I have continually become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have decided to humble myself rather than being compelled (like is talked about in Alma 32:12-16). I have internalized this as a way of life. Now, I find joy in the journey of living the gospel. I notice Heavenly Father blessing me in real time and the gratitude is there. Same with homeschooling, I didn’t see the fruits until after I quit that first time. Yet after my commitment (its been a full year now), I can tell you that the tender mercies were there when I needed them; the many, many, many times I wanted to quit. This opportunity to speak to you today is a testimony that I have been reminded yet again of my decision to live the gospel. Typically, I wouldn’t be like “Yay, I get to speak in Sacrament meeting!” No, I’m a nervous wreck and have been all week. But I knew when bishop asked me to do this that this was the opportunity, the reminder I was looking for and I was able to embrace it, accept it and even be grateful for it. The past few days I have sat in serious prayer, pondering, reading scriptures, listening to conference talks; all those things that strengthen my faith…and it has helped me to endure overwhelm and the temptation to quit something I recently made the decision to do in another area of my life. I testify that this is THE Church of Jesus Christ and that the gift of the Holy Ghost is real and personal and can help me become closer to Him as well as endure to the end of any trial placed before me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 04:13:23 +0000

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